Herzog: Jewish and Muslim terror should be dealt with in the same way
Herzog is set to take part in a rally in Tel Aviv on Saturday evening to mark the stabbing attack by a Jewish extremist at the Jerusalem gay pride parade on Thursday.
By ARIK BENDER, DANA SOMBERGUpdated: AUGUST 1, 2015 15:11Zionist Union head Isaac Herzog speaks to the press(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Following the deadly West Bank arson on Friday in which Jewish extremists are suspected, and the knifing attack at the Jerusalem gay pride parade on Thursday, leader of the opposition Isaac Herzog called for the outlawing of "Jewish terror groups.""This is the time for action. Real action. After we have condemned time and again, we cannot return to our daily routines as if all is normal. There is a need for action that befits the danger to Israel's security from the Jewish terrorists who endanger us in the exact same way as their brothers, the Islamic terrorists," Herzog posted on his Facebook page on Saturday. "If I were prime minister I would instruct the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) to deal with Jewish terror in the same way as Islamic terror, firmly and without hesitation," Herzog said in a veiled jab to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's approach."I would label as terrorist entities, The Lehava organization, the Marzelites, and La Familia. I would consider destroying the homes of these terrorists. Everything that applies to Islamic terror is applicable here too," Herzog wrote. The Lehava organization is a far-right anti-assimilation Jewish group, some of whose members were most recently implicated in the burning of a Jewish-Arab integrated school in Jerusalem; the Marzelites refer to followers of right-wing activist Baruch Marzel, and La Familia is the racist fan group of the Beitar Jerualem football club. The opposition leader also accused the Israeli media of whitewashing Jewish terror by labeling acts as revenge or as price tag operations. "It is terror, and these are terrorists, full stop," he wrote. Herzog is set to take part in a rally in Tel Aviv on Saturday evening to mark the stabbing attack by a Jewish extremist at the Jerusalem gay pride parade.