The cabinet will vote by telephone Thursday on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s appointment of Science, Technology and Space Minister Danny Danon as ambassador to the UN, cabinet secretary Avichai Mandelblitt informed ministers on Tuesday.The appointment will be for three years, with the option of a fourth if the foreign minister at the time approves.Danon will replace Ron Prosor, who began his tenure in June 2011.In a letter Mandelblitt sent the ministers, he wrote that Danon has rich experience in public diplomacy, speaks eloquent English, and knows basic Spanish.The moment Danon’s appointment is approved, he will automatically cease to be a minister and Knesset member, unlike others who leave such posts under different circumstances and whose departure takes effect only after 48 hours.Danon’s replacement in the Knesset, Sharren Haskel, who was born in Toronto and moved to Israel at age one, will automatically enter the Knesset on Thursday, but will be sworn in only the next time the Knesset convenes during its extended summer recess, which is expected to be on September 2 for deliberations on the 2015-2016 state budget.Haskell will be the first Canadian MK since Yisrael Ba’aliya’s Zvi Weinberg in the 14th Knesset. Former justice minister Dov Yosef, who served in the first three Knessets, was born in Montreal.