In a briefing for Army Radio journalists Wednesday, Netanyahu dismissed the investigation against him, saying that he is not overly concerned about it.
A report that police are going to question Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s son Yair soon in connection with an ongoing investigation against the prime minister produced an indignant response by Netanyahu’s office Wednesday.A Channel 10 report Tuesday said Yair would not be questioned under caution at this point, but that the police decided to question him because the prime minister’s son was frequently brought up in interrogations of former Netanyahu aides and associates, who emphasized Yair’s growing role in the prime minister’s inner circle.The report quoted a law enforcement source saying that, “The testimony of Netanyahu’s son will clarify a number of issues concerning the probe against the prime minister.”“It is unfortunate that the media smear campaign against the Netanyahu family has now also reached his son, Yair,” Netanyahu’s office said. “Here, too, there will be nothing, because there is nothing.”Police leaks have indicated that both Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu will also soon be brought in for questioning, but it is uncertain when.According to a follow-up report on Channel 10 Wednesday, the investigation against Netanyahu will soon become open and the public will understand what the allegations are and why the questioning of Yair was necessary.In a briefing for Army Radio journalists Wednesday, Netanyahu dismissed the investigation against him, saying that he is not overly concerned about it.He said that various people were giving the police enormous amounts of material, and it is the responsibility of the police to look into all the information.In the briefing, Netanyahu accused Bayit Yehudi head Naftali Bennett of missing security cabinet deliberations on Gaza tunnels because he fell asleep at the meetings.