The Jerusalem Post's top 5 stories of August 28

Iran arrests nuclear negotiator suspected of spying, Lapid accuses Swedish FM of anti-Semitism at Stockholm rally, top Iranian admiral says US lacks the power to confront Iran militarily.

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JPost top 5 logo
(photo credit: JPOST STAFF)
1. Israel as a country, and certainly as a coalition government has enough of its own problems in working out what being Jewish means to preach it to its biggest Diaspora, Joel Braunold argues.
Read more: Israel’s aid should not go to American Jewish college students
2. Iran has arrested a member of the negotiating team that reached a landmark nuclear deal with world powers on suspicion of spying, a judiciary spokesman said on Sunday.
Read more: Iran arrests nuclear negotiator suspected of spying
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3. Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid took on Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom’s criticism of Israel, accusing her of anti-Semitism in a speech to a pro-Israel rally in Stockholm Sunday.
Read more: Lapid accuses Swedish FM of anti-Semitism at Stockholm rally
4. Many elderly people are finding “creative ways” of continuing to enjoy sexual relations despite their age and chronic medical conditions, according to a new study by Israeli and American researchers who have published their findings in the journal Leisure Sciences.
Read more: Israeli and US researchers: Many elderly unwilling to ‘retire’ from sexuality

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5. The United States does not have the capability to engage Iran in a war on land, air or sea, a top Iranian Navy commander charged Saturday night boasting of his nation's military prowess.
Read more: Top Iranian admiral: US lacks the power to confront Iran militarily