Kassam hits Gazan side of Nahal Oz; Israel: Hurt Gazan worker shows Hamas disregard for civilians.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFnahal oz truck 224 88(photo credit: AP)
A rocket fired into the Nahal Oz fuel terminal on Wednesday prompted the IDF to cease transferring industrial fuel, cooking gas and diesel to the territory.
The rocket hit the Gaza side of the crossing, wounding a Palestinian worker there, Palestinian doctors said.
Government spokesman David Baker said Wednesday's attack showed terrorist groups' "total disregard for the well-being of the Palestinian people."
In late May a potentially disastrous terror attack at the Erez Crossing into Gaza was averted when a Palestinian suicide bomber driving a truck loaded with four tons of explosives tried ramming his way into Israel, killing himself but causing no other casualties.
Israel has limited fuel shipments into Gaza, partly due to government efforts to hurt Hamas's regime in the territory and party as a result of attacks.
The UN and nongovernmental groups have said that the lack of fuel is causing a humanitarian crisis. Hamas is widely believed to be hoarding fuel for commercial vehicles, ensuring its loyalists get supplies first.
Yaakov Katz contributed to this report.