Electric Corporation says demand tops 11,200 megawatts.
By BEN HARTMANThe sun setting(photo credit: AP)
With the mid-August heat showing no mercy on the Holy Land, locals broke an alltime single-day record for electricity use on Wednesday afternoon, the Israel Electric Corporation announced.The corporation said demand topped 11,200 megawatts, following 19 straight days of unprecedented energy usage.RELATED:Australian cyclist dies of heat stroke in Jordan valleySummer heat adds hardship to Ramadan fastWith no relief from the blazing heat in sight, the corporation has asked Israelis to conserve electricity so as not to drain the company’s power reserves, and in order to prevent a power outage from taking place. They recommended consumers avoid using appliances that require a high level of electricity between the peak hours of noon and 5 p.m.In addition to air conditioners, such appliances include dishwashers, washing machines, ovens, stoves, water heaters and vacuum cleaners.The IEC has asked that in the case of air conditioners, consumers set their temperatures at no lower than 25ºC.Meanwhile, the forecast for the next few days is less than encouraging, with high temperatures and heatwave conditions expected across the country on Thursday and Friday.Temperatures are expected to reach as high as 37ºC in Jerusalem on Thursday, with slightly cooler temperatures expected in humid Tel Aviv.Air conditioners will likely be working overtime in the North on Thursday, as the mercury is projected to hit as high as 43ºC in Tiberias and 39ºC in Katzrin.And a visit to Eilat this weekend is not for the faint of heart, as forecasts predict extreme heat reaching as high as 47ºC in the southern Negev.
On a positive note, Saturday and Sunday are expected to be partly cloudy across the country, which may cool things off a bit – though the temperatures will still be hotter than usual, even for mid- August.