Kadima adopts 'large part' of rabbinical group's Jewish values program

Kadima adopted "a large part" of a rabbinical group's program for ensuring the Jewish character of the state of Israel, according to a Kadima press release. In a meeting Sunday between Tzohar, a group of liberal-minded religious Zionist rabbis and Kadima chair Tzipi Livni, it was agreed that a Public Council for Jewish Consciousness would be created by the new government coalition. Livni was joined by MK Otniel Shneller (Kadima) who discussed a program for the deepening of Jewish values in Israel including the conversion process, education and streamlining the registration process for marriages. During the meeting the rabbis expressed their opposition to legislation that would enable civil marriage. Livni said during the meeting, "in my eyes the State of Israel's ultimate goal is to provide a democratic and secure national home for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel."