President speaks in Shfaram on lynching, peace talks.
By JPOST.COM STAFFPeres Independence Day 311(photo credit: Channel 10)
President Shimon Peres called for unity among Israelis on Sunday, while speaking on the occasion of the Galilee city’s 100th anniversary in Shfaram.“We need to join hands in wisdom and justice to right wrongs and heal wounds,” Peres told the Arab city.RELATED:Arab Israeli MKs attack 'Schalit law' ascounterproductive, demagogicalLieberman: PA wants negotiations tofailFatah may resume 'armed struggle'Dozens of Balad activists demonstrated outside the hall in which Peres spoke, demanding that the president remove the charges against the 12 city residents suspected of having lynched the Jewish terrorist Eden Natan Zada.Referring to the Jewish terror attack that took place in Shfaram in 2000, when Zada opened fire on fellow bus passengers, killing four Israeli Arabs and wounding 10, Peres said, “The violent act and the murder of innocents will not be forgotten.” He went on to say that conclusions needed to be drawn so that such acts never take place again.Peres went on to speak of the progress in proximity talks, and urged working together to bring peace to the region, rather than allowing war-mongers to stir up conflict.A process of indirect talks has begun, he said, and expressed hope it would soon lead to direct talks.