Yad Vashem gets $4m. to promote Shoah education among Russian speakers

The Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial announced Sunday that it had received a $4 million grant to increase Holocaust education among Russian speakers. The four-year grant from the Genesis Philanthropy Group will be used for a variety of educational projects aimed at raising awareness and deepening knowledge of the Holocaust among Russian speakers. "The efforts to encourage meaningful education and commemoration of the Holocaust among Russian speakers are crucial, since the Holocaust is an important building block of Jewish identity, and a historical event that continues to reverberate among young people today," said Avner Shalev, chairman of Yad Vashem. "Unfortunately due to the historical circumstances, the study of the Holocaust in the areas of the Former Soviet Union has been underdeveloped over the years. The grant from Genesis will allow us to focus more intensively on this critical aspect of Holocaust education."