JPost column on hottest Jewish news: Jewish slaves are the 99%, Sh*t Jews say on Passover.
By LAHAV HARKOVweekly schmooze 311(photo credit: Courtesy)
As Passover rolls around once more, the Schmooze has the perfect way to stay entertained as you scrub your kitchen and purge the house of leavened bread: A viral video-off! The following is a collection of YouTube’s finest and funniest for Pessah 5772:First, we have what is arguably the biggest online trend of this year, the “Sh*t people say” meme. Two haredi (ultra-Orthodox) men cover everything from cleaning to Seders in hotels to Chol Hamoed concerts:On to the music videos!Newcomers on the viral-video scene Bagels ‘n’ Box have an entertaining hip-hop Passover medley, despite the chametz in the band’s name. Watch them reenact the Exodus story in sunny Florida, where they make Israel seem like an especially appealing destination.The Fountainheads don’t disappoint, with their usual elaborate harmonies and dance routines, but this time they have a political message. In their Passover song “Breaking Free,” Jewish slaves parody some of the protests of the last year, carrying signs with slogans like “We are the 613%” or “Bet is a Pyramid.”Next, we have Aish’s Queen parody, titled “Passover Rhapsody – A Jewish Rock Opera,” featuring lots of adorable puppets:
This clip pre-dates the Schmooze, but fits perfectly with this column’s love of all things related to Jews and hip-hop. Webcomic Shabot 6000 made a video that answers the question on everyone’s mind: What would happen if 50 Cent went to a Seder?Have a Kosher and Happy Passover!The Weekly Schmooze collects the hottest Jewish culture news from around the world. Ranging from celebrities to philanthropy to quirky communities, we're here to schmooze about Jews. If you have any news to share with The Weekly Schmooze, write to:weeklyschmooze@gmail.comPassover 5772: Click for JPost special features