Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of JULY 25, 2014

Tip For the Week: After months of introspection, it is finally time to take a deep breath and make your move!

A spiral galaxy known as NGC 1433 is seen in an undated image captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (photo credit: REUTERS)
A spiral galaxy known as NGC 1433 is seen in an undated image captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Delays and confusion in and around your home begin to settle down and this is the perfect time for you to put some of your plans into action. During the hiatus you had plenty of time to contemplate what you really want, discover if your plans were feasible and gather the necessary funds. So as you can see, the time was not wasted. Time spent with old friends and new is exactly what you need to put some balance back into your life so don’t hesitate to accept an invitation or two.
HINT: Be kind to yourself…you’ve done a superb job!
For quite some time your relationship with a sibling has been less than comfortable causing minimal, if any, contact. There is a window of opportunity opening this week and, if you are interested, the time is right for taking a step towards reconciliation. The choice is yours. When arranging important meetings this week, don’t hesitate to speak up and state what’s on your mind. Your power of persuasion is extremely good at this time.
HINT: When speaking with a Cancer, take your time and listen carefully. This person may not be as pedantic as you are, but will show you a different way of looking at things.
Your need for peaceful surroundings and balance in your life, will only work this week if you put your own needs first. By trying to keep everyone happy, you may inadvertently upset one or two people who have grown impatient by your inability to make a decision. Your energy turns to financial matters by the beginning of the week and this is definitely a good time for you to move forward with your plans. However, you still need to pay attention to unnecessary spending.
HINT: Time spent in the company of a sibling is exactly what the two of you need. Take your time, be flexible and enjoy.
As this week progresses, you will enjoy a feeling of freedom you haven’t felt for months. All your hard work has not been for naught and the lessons learned will keep you from making mistakes for months to come. If the project you are considering is as massive as you imagine, call in a friend or two whom you trust and make them an offer they won’t be able to refuse.
HINT: Contact with a person in a different city has been cut off and no matter how hard you try to reestablish a connection the other person simply doesn’t seem interested. Cut your losses and move on.
You’ve been brave long enough. Take a step back and let someone else… someone you trust and can rely on, carry the burden for a week or two. The longer you both work together the more you appreciate each other and a new partnership may be in the offing. Whatever you decide, take your time and think carefully before speaking. A situation from the past is no longer as problematic and as the week progresses you will be amazed at the feeling of relief.
HINT: Time spent with a water sign may tax your patience, but well worth the effort.
You need to take some time off and get away for a few days.
Between work and other obligations, you have been pushing yourself much too hard and could use the break. The truth is that the light at the end of the tunnel is growing bigger and bigger, and your desire to get out and stand in the light is stronger than your exhaustion.
Money and financial matters are far better than they have been in quite some time, so relax and pamper yourself for a change.
HINT: Not all friendships last forever and someone you thought was a friend turned out to be a big disappointment. Next!!!
The feeling of being trapped coupled with questions concerning your future career aspirations have been at the back of your mind for months and soon you will begin to get some answers to your questions. Never one to act in haste, you will however, continue moving forward at a pace which is comfortable to you. Good weekend for taking care of personal business, paperwork or simply catching up on household matters like laundry and those dishes in the sink.
HINT: Don’t be overly concerned about money this week. You have plenty in your pocket so go out and splurge.
Although you have the time and the funds to take off to some exotic place for a few weeks, you prefer staying close to home where you are surrounded by good family and friends and a peaceful corner you enjoy at the end of the day. When dealing with younger members of your family remember to establish boundaries or you will be spending all your spare time taking care of their business.
HINT: This is a good time for collecting information concerning a course or two you are interested in. Ask a lot of questions and listen carefully to the answers.
Your need for financial stability has been sorely tested over the past few weeks, but you will be pleased to note that the dry spell is almost over and cash is beginning to flow back into your bank account. You may have felt challenged on many fronts during this period, but here too you are gaining more control. Remember, that every ending has a new beginning.
It may not be the one you were looking for, but it will be the one best suited to your needs. All you need is a little trust and belief in yourself.
HINT: This weekend is a perfect time for catching up on some much needed rest and relaxing with your partner and/or mate.
For quite some time you have been questioning your relationship with your partner and/or mate as you search for either some common ground or that you are travelling together in the same direction. Rather than act in haste you have accumulated a list of both pros and cons.
This is the time to put all aside and simply enjoy yourself. Let things progress at their own natural pace and soon you will find the answers you have been seeking.
HINT: If you continue to be cautious where money and finances are concerned you will have enough cash to enjoy yourself without worrying about going over your budget.
MAY 21-JUNE 21
This is not the time to throw caution to the wind and go on a buying spree. And, especially don’t let someone you know talk you into purchasing something you really don’t need or want. By Monday you will feel a fresh surge of energy and that is the time for rolling up your sleeves and getting a significant amount of work done. In the coming weeks you will be made an offer which demands careful thinking and planning and the less bogged down you are by previous commitments, the better.
HINT: Time spent with a Capricorn is just what you need in order to get organized.
Super-sensitive, you easily absorb the emotions and tension surrounding you. This week things calm down and once again you will feel a lot more optimistic and self-confident. The people closest to you have remained loyal and together you provide each other with a strong support system, which to some degree is the envy of those who know you. Take a few days off this week to enjoy the scenery and peacefulness of the early morning hours.
HINT: Money and finances are on your mind, but don’t worry, you have everything under control.