By JERUSALEM POST STAFF4(photo credit: )
They've had it. And they're taking the situation into their own hands. The Jewish year 5769 marked a rise in young, driven, grassroots politics and public relations and the spotlight shone especially on Jerusalem municipality party Hitorerut Yerushalayim (Wake Up Jerusalem), which garnered an astounding two seats, and student-led hasbara group Im Tirtzu (If You Will It), which hit campuses across the nation with their Zionist messages.
Also this year, freshman Likud MK Tzipi Hotovely championed women's rights, and she represented her religious-Zionist constituency by opposing parts of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's land reform.
Down south in Rahat, environmentalist Ahmed Amrani became the Rahat mayor's chief of staff. And up in Galilee, Yoel Zilberman , founder of the New Guardsmen, has led over 2,000 volunteers in patrolling their homesteads.
At the High Court, human rights lawyer Michael Sfard protected the little guy, while Tel Aviv activist Nic Schlagman made sure he had food and shelter.
Some, like Africa-Israel's Nadav Grinshpon , had a nose for business. Others, like chemical engineer Dr. Hossam Haick , were pioneers in inventing nanotechnology aimed at sniffing out cancer.
Dudi Sela hit the big time on the international tennis stage this year. And soon, the world will be listening to the music of Asaf Avidan and the Mojos , who recently signed with Sony.
We take our hats off to these young Israelis and we salute, as ever, the lone soldiers .