Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of DECEMBER 13, 2013
TIP FOR THE WEEK: Don’t underestimate yourself. Some of your best accomplishments started off being a crazy idea.
By MARALLYN BEN MOSHE, PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20 Finally after what seems like months, things are finally falling into place – and all those worries and fears which have been preventing you from getting a good night’s rest are beginning to disappear. When dealing with financial matters, don’t rely solely on your memory. This is the time for paying serious attention to detail and for taking accurate notes. Someone from your past is interested in renewing the relationship, and it will be up to you to decide whether or not this is a good idea. Perhaps it is time to tie up loose ends and walk away.HINT: Take advantage of a quiet corner in order to catch up on some much-needed rest.AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18 Try not to be so hard on yourself. No one is perfect, and the mistakes you make today will make you a better and more experienced professional as the weeks progress. In the meantime your input at work is appreciated and respected, so try to relax.This is a good time for breaking out of your shell and dealing with some of the insecurities you are feeling.Once they are out in the open, you will be shocked to see just how minor they really are.HINT: A conversation with a fire sign will present some important information, and will give you much to think about.CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19 Few, if any, know just how sensitive you are as you continue giving the impression that you are superhuman and made of steel.Take a step back and let your armor down… you will be amazed at the flood of emotion, caring and happiness that comes your way. At work, you continue blazing new paths and reaching out to those who need a helping hand or shoulder to lean on.Both your colleagues as well as employers are grateful for your professionalism, talent and devotion.
HINT: Financially you are on top of the situation, and soon will have some extra cash available to pamper yourself and someone you especially care about.SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER 21 This is the week for putting some of your plans into action.You now have the tools you need, the information you were seeking and the experience to know which path is the best for you. Be careful while handling sharp objects and take your time. A little caution on your part today could save you days of aggravation later. Money and financial matters need your attention, and this is the time for sitting down with an expert or two rather than simply relying on your own judgment.HINT: Be patient and bide your time. A window of opportunity will be opening soon.CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22-JULY 22 The time has come for you to take matters into your own hands and not wait for someone else to move things along. No one knows better than you what you want and need, so stand tall and speak up! Remember, you too can say ‘no’ without feeling guilty. All it takes is a little practice and believing in yourself.Financially, you are now in a position to help a family member out of a bind. Don’t worry, they are good for the money and will soon repay the loan.HINT: Your relationship with your partner and/or mate is not only stronger than ever but by working closely together, you can remember just why your chose this person to play such an important role in your life in the first placeGEMINI (AIR) MAY 21-JUNE 21 There are simply not enough hours in the day, and this is the week for shutting down all external interferences and rolling up your sleeves in order to get some serious work done.For far too long you have been coasting and relying on your wits rather than dealing with some items that have been pushed aside for too long.Once you begin you will soon see how easily everything manages to fall into place. Sunday and Monday are perfect days for taking care of personal business, so clear your slate.HINT: Your relationship with a water sign is not as simply or as easy as you had imagined.TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20 Although you find it easy to express yourself, this week you may be a bit reticent about sharing your ideas. As you continue to gather information and sieve through all the ideas and opportunities which come your way, you will soon begin to appreciate anew just how much you have accomplished and achieved, and how the glass really is half full. Time spent with an older member of your family will turn out to be just what you needed to relax after a long and busy week.HINT: Insecurities from your past are beginning to become much less dominant as you take greater control of your life.ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21-APRIL 19 You continue to feel passionately about things and are willing to put your good name and reputation on the line in order to get your thoughts out to as many people as you can. You will be pleasantly surprised by the outpouring of encouragement you receive from friends and strangers alike. Pay attention to your finances and if you don’t have the ready cash, then postpone making any major purchases for the time being.HINT: As the weeks progress your monetary situation will settle down, and that is when you will be able to make some plans to travel.SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24-NOVEMBER 20 When in doubt, trust your intuition and you won’t err. Not all the people who smile in your direction have your best interests at heart, and it will be up to you to discern the few who do not deserve to be included in your inner circle of friends. Take some time this weekend to sit down with your partner and/or mate to share some ideas you have been thinking about. You enjoy the debate, and brainstorming is always a good way to separate the wheat from the chaff.HINT: This is a good week for reexamining an old idea.LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 23 New opportunities continue coming your way and all your hard work of the past year or so is beginning to bear fruit.Trust and believe in yourself, and you will not falter. This will be an especially busy week for you, so plan accordingly and be prepared to make some last-minute changes in your schedule. Financially you are managing quite nicely, but still do not have the nest egg you are hoping for.The more patient you are and the more you believe in yourself, the better.HINT: Take some time off during the middle portion of this week to stay home, in order to read some of the material that has accumulated on your desk.VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22 Not only are you right, but finally everyone knows it.There are still some people who begrudge you your moment of glory, but they are in the minority –p so stand tall and enjoy the well-deserved praise. When dealing with a partner and/or mate, take the time to explain your ideas and listen to what they have to say. Together you make a formidable team.HINT: Financially things are rather tight at the present, but don’t worry: You have things under control, and soon will have the ready cash you need to begin a project that you are anxious to work on.LEO (FIRE) JULY 23-AUGUST 22 Although you have managed to keep your financial situation stable, this is not the week for making any unnecessary large purchases.In the weeks to come you will be happy that you were cautious now. Professionally, bumps along the way which have been preventing you from achieving your goal are now disappearing, so be prepared to put some major time aside to work on a project that has been waiting far too long to be completed.HINT: A conversation with a younger member of your family will put a smile in your heart, and time spent together with this person is enjoyable for you both.