The executive secretary of the contest says artists have the duty to raise public awareness about this group.
By JPOST.COM STAFFAnti ISIS cartoon exhibitions in Tehran(photo credit: IRANIAN MEDIA)
A contest centering on the crimes committed by Islamic State has been organized by Iran’s House of Cartoon and artists' works are currently being displayed in a number of cultural venues in Tehran. Some of the cartoons showed portrayals of supposed US and Israeli involvement with the extreme Islamist organization.Over 1000 pieces were submitted to the contest and 270 pieces were selected to be evaluated by a team of graphic experts, Iran's Press TV reported. The executive secretary of the contest, Mohammad Habibi, said the works came from over 40 countries including Brazil, Australia, Malaysia and Indonesia, The Tehran Times quoted him as saying. Habibi said that some of the foreign cartoonists are attending the contest using nicknames for security reasons."Nowadays everyone around the world knows about the parasite by the name of ISIL [Islamic State] and what crimes they have committed against humanity and art and culture. Artists now have the duty to raise public awareness about this group by participating in such events," Habibi told Press TV. Graphic artist Massoud Shoajaei Tabatabaii discussed with Press TV the motivation for showing the works."In order to reveal the true nature of [Islamic State], we decided to hold this contest and have people submit their cartoons or caricatures. [Islamic State] tries to associate itself with Islam but in essence it has no idea about Islam," Tabatabaii.There are plans to hold the exhibit in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, Tabatabaii said.