Danish teen's deadly obsession with ISIS videos leads to mother's murder
Lisa Borch began watching savage decapitations of ISIS victims on Youtube last October when she was only 15.
A Danish teenager who was found guilty of murdering her mother with a kitchen knife after watching brutally graphic ISIS videos on Youtube has been sentenced to nine years in jail, according to the Daily Mail Tuesday.Lisa Borch reportedly began watching savage decapitations of ISIS victims on Youtube last October when she was only 15, and shortly afterwards hatched a plan with her radical Muslim companion, Bakhtiar Mohammed Abdulla, 29, to kill her mother Tina Romer Holtegaard at the home they shared in Kvissel.According to the report, Borch began her flirtation with radical Islam after falling in love with an unnamed older Swedish Muslim man, who was married with a child. After returning to Sweden from Denmark to be with his family, Borch became obsessed with militant Islam and found a new love in Iraqi-born Abdulla, whom she met at refugee center near her home, the Daily Mail added.In a chilling revelation following the brutal murder, police say Borch was found sitting in the living room covered in her mother's blood glued to her iPhone watching ISIS videos on Youtube when they arrived. When police asked the teenager where her mother was, she simply pointed upstairs, refusing to leave her handheld device."She watched them the whole evening long," the prosecutors at her trial would later say, referring to Borch's endless ability to watch videos showing the beheading of Islamic State victims.The prosecution would later describe the relationship between mother and daughter as tumultuous, adding that it was the"endless rowing" between the two "which cost the mother her life."At the trial, Borch and Abdullah blamed one another for Holtegaard's death, with Abdullah claiming that he only arrived to "help Lisa," according to The Daily Mail.After having heard multiple versions of the same event, the court was unable establish who delivered the fatal blows to the victim, and subsequently found both guilty of the murder.After Borch received her nine year sentence, Abdullah was condemned to 13-years in prison and immediate expulsion from Denmark after his sentence is up.Both were also ordered to pay $60,000 in compensation to the surviving members of the victim's family, including Borch's stepfather and twin sister.