'ISIS kilometers away from Israel's northern border'
A new video shows ISIS-linked coalition advancing on the Yarmouk Valley region located in the triple border junction between Israel's Golan Heights, Jordan and Syria, Channel 2 reports.
By JPOST.COM STAFFAn Islamic State fighter carries the group’s flag in Raqqa, north-central Syria.(photo credit: REUTERS)
The jihadi organizations that have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State terror group have allegedly launched joint operations recently mere kilometers from Israel's border on the southern Golan Heights.A new video released by Islamic State media shows the ISIS-affiliated coalition advancing on the Yarmouk Valley region located in the triple border junction between Israel's Golan Heights, Jordan and Syria, Channel 2 reported Sunday night. According to the report, the video shows the militants fighting under the banner of ISIS advancing on Syrian rebel positions in the volatile Daraa province where Syrian military troops have fought with opposition forces throughout the Syrian civil war.By confiscating heavy artillery weaponry, including tanks, Islamic State has allegedly sought to strengthen its influence in the region adjacent to Israel's northern border.There have also been multiple previous reports of ISIS using chemical weapons in the embattled region.However, Channel 2 reported that despite their close proximity to the Israeli border, the terrorists in the new footage did not extend an explicit threat against Israel in the new video as their concentration appears to remain centered on the internal Syrian conflict.Nonetheless, Israeli security forces have long kept a close eye on the activities of the Islamic State sympathizers near Israel's northern border.Intelligence-gathering activities within the IDF’s Northern Command have increased dramatically as of late to keep up with all of the recent events and track the capabilities and intentions of every armed group in southern Syria.Yaakov Lappin contributed to this report.