17-year-old yelled "Die, you Arab!", beat and stabbed victim after trying to run him over.
By JOANNA PARASZCZUKCourt gavel justice judge legal law 311(photo credit: Thinkstock/Imagebank)
The Nazareth District Youth Court sentenced a 17-year-old minor to 12 months in prison on Sunday after convicting him of a series of violent offenses.The defendant, a minor whose name cannot be published, attacked two Arab youths from the northern village of Wadi Hamam. Together with another youth, the defendant first tried to drive his car over the two boys, known only as X and Y, then beat and attempted to stab X When X escaped, the defendant attacked Y, yelling, “Die, you Arab!” and stabbing him in the thigh while his accomplice beat him over the head. Y, aged 15, begged for his life, but the defendant continued to beat him.The minor was convicted of harm with aggravated intent, harm and wounding under aggravated circumstances, injury through negligence and unlawful possession of a knife.In a victim impact statement to the court, Y said that since the attack, he has not left his house, cannot sleep and suffers headaches and dizziness.Although the defendant would not admit to carrying out the acts for which he was convicted, he did express remorse, his attorney said.In ruling to convict the minor, Judge Asher Kula said the offenses occurred “in the most ugly manner, while the defendant added insult to injury by shouting, “Die, you Arab!” “It is hard to escape the feeling that all the offenses were carried out in a moment of racism,” Judge Kula said. “A person who stabs someone of another race, while shouting those ugly and despicable words, reveals his true intent.”The court also sentenced him to a 12- month suspended sentence, a fine of NIS 5,000 and ordered him to pay his victim, Y, compensation of NIS 30,000.