Star Catcher 486891

Astrology for the week of April 14, 2017

Deep space bright nebula (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Deep space bright nebula
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)
A spurt of unexpected energy and strength this week could give you the impetus you need to get out of the rut you’ve been struggling with. Quick moves and turns are what you are aiming for and no one is better than you for pivoting, pouncing and hitting the basket. Trust yourself. Soon your thoughts will return to money and financial matters, so enjoy this period of action. Time spent with a Pisces is actually a lot more pleasant than you had anticipated even though you have much different personalities. HINT: Monday and Tuesday are work related days as you concentrate on your career.
The time has come to use all your past experience, lessons you’ve learned… from both your failures and more important from your successes to help you gain access to the next rung on the professional ladder you are climbing. You actually know what you want and are not willing to settle for less. That time is over. And, you have the patience to wait till you get what you want. This is a good week for meetings which concentrate on finalizing projects rather than beginning new ones. HINT: Be wary of someone who smiles too much but avoids eye contact.
You are running out of patience and the time is quickly approaching where you may begin to sift through all the ‘so called’ friends who are hanging around, leaving the tried and tested few while eliminating some of the rest. You have no problem walking away and are ready to do what is best for you. Financially, between delays in payment and rush orders you are a bit stretched for cash right now. HINT: As the weeks progress all will fall into place. In the meantime if you don’t have the cash refrain from pulling out your credit card as much as possible.
You are settling into a routine and have found a balance between what you need to do and what you want to do. The result being that you are much more at peace and content. It took you a very long time before you could put your own needs ahead of your loved ones.
Good for you! Financially you continue watching your cash flow carefully and even though the situation is better than you dared hope for you still have a way to go before you can breathe easy. HINT: Time spent with children brings you great joy these days
Your obligations are many, your will to push forward is waning and in the next week or so you will have to find a middle of the road position which will move you along while allowing you the creative space you need in order to work to your fullest potential. You may not be able to say exactly what you are thinking to a colleague, but your body language and actions speak louder than you think. Now that the ball is in their court, all you need to do is sit back, observe and wait. HINT: Financially you would prefer begin in a better situation than you actually are, but things are definitely moving in the right direction.
You are beginning to defrost and even though you haven’t completely melted you are a lot more flexible and manageable than you were. Trying to be right all the time not only leaves you alone but, if you are honest with yourself, lonely. And over the test of time your teeth are not nearly as sharp as they used to be. Financially things are better than you hoped and all you hard work and scrimping and saving has begun to pay off. HINT: Lately you not only enjoy sharing your thoughts with your partner or mate, but actually have come to realize just what a great source of support this person has become.
You continue working very hard, but have managed to find the time to develop a few serious and important friendships which not only bring you personal satisfaction, but are valuable professional contacts as well. The list of people on your guest list is long as you are a special friend and source of support to those who fall under the umbrella of your care. Time spent away from your partner or mate is expected as each of you have different obligations coming up over the next few months. HINT: Plans to visit a sibling who lives far away may still be in the dream stage but dreams do come true.
You have a strong sense of your surroundings and can quickly establish who you can trust and who you need to be wary of. There are few who wish to cross swords with you, and although you rarely, if ever, instigate a fight you are usually the last one left standing. Money and financial matters are on your mind and even though lately you are pleasantly surprised by some added income, you still have a way to go before you reach your ultimate goal. HINT: Heavy work load expected, and you may not have enough time to get everything done.
You are wiser and better today than you were even six months ago. The mistakes you made have made you stronger and today you not only know who you are and what you need, but you know who you can depend on. All in all it has been a long, difficult but very rewarding experience. Financially you are keeping a close eye on your situation and cutting corners wherever possible. HINT: The latter portion of this week is good for dealing with neighbors, colleagues and acquaintances. The rest of the time will be spent on business and family…both of which are very close to your heart.
You have worked so hard this year to get where you are today. At times, the journey was unbelievably difficult and sometimes hurtful, but you weathered the storm and came out into the sunshine, stronger, happier and more secure in yourself and your own needs. Take a step back now to relax, and enjoy some quiet time with family and dear, close friends. HINT: Financially all is well and you are in a strong position to make a few major decisions. However, where at all possible, refrain from committing yourself either orally or on paper for the next three weeks.
Money and finances are on your mind, but are still not a problem. You are simply trying to see what funds will be available over the coming months as you wish to travel. Professionally you continue making your presence known and quietly are eking out a name for yourself. The connections you have made will come in handy as you consider making a change in either your present job or your present place of work. HINT: When discussing matters with your partner or mate feel free to be open and honest as this person sincerely cares, has fabulous advice and always has your best interest at heart.
Some days you are confused as to what your next project will be and who you want to share your ideas with. A conversation with an old, dear friend who also happens to be a water sign is just the person you need to sit down and talk with over a friendly cup of coffee. HINT: Your friendship has passed the test of time and you are more like family than friends. Financially you need to watch as the chance of a mad dash of retail therapy is a serious problem. The worst will be when you realize that you really don’t like or want anything you bought!