Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of January 16
Tip for the week: Good week for all forms of communication.
By MARALLYN BEN MOSHEA spiral galaxy known as NGC 1433 is seen in an undated image captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope(photo credit: REUTERS)
CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19This week will find you spending a lot more time going over your financial situation in order to evaluate how long it will take you to amass the funds you need for a very special project. Get the advice from experts but reserve the final decision for yourself. Be patient with a sibling as a simple conversation could turn into a major misunderstanding and if you are not careful you might say something in haste which you could regret as soon as the words are out of your mouth.HINT: If your motto this week is ‘proportion’ you should manage just fine.AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18Delays and disappointments from last week help you see things in a much different light and as the days go by you will feel more and more secure in your final decision to simply take a break and walk away for a bit. Something better is definitely on the way. A conversation with a Virgo may be more complicated than you had originally expected, but don’t worry, you are well prepared and can answer even the most complicated question with assurance and expertise.HINT: Time spent with your partner and/or mate will help you put some balance back into your life.PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20Try not to let your imagination run away with you and wherever possible cling to reality and relax. There are so many things going on in your life and very few of which you have any control. So stop trying.Faith not fear! Money and finances are not a problem at this time and you will have the funds you need to make a special purchase in the coming weeks. When discussing your plans with an earth sign pay close attention to their suggestions…this person has excellent taste and can be relied on.HINT: When in doubt…wait!
ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21-APRIL 19You are so busy taking care of everyone else that there is precious little time left over for a project you were hoping to work on this week.Nice to be needed but there is a fine line between being needed and being taken advantage of. It will be up to you to draw the line if and when you feel it is necessary. A conversation with a co-worker could turn into the beginning of a great partnership venture. Take notes and don’t hesitate to ask important questions.HINT: Wednesday and Thursday are good days for socializing and getting away from your desk for a bit.TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20Your patience and good taste coupled with your sense of fair play and intelligence are what constantly draws people to you. This is the week for brainstorming and working as a team member on a project or two which could prove to be very lucrative in the months to come. Balance is your keyword this week as you search for some real and true answers.Once you learn to let go of some of the baggage which is holding you back, you will be amazed at just how wonderful your life really is.HINT: Direct action may be difficult right now, so be prepared to retrace your steps and find a different path.GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21-JUNE 21You may feel a great urge to make some changes in your career, but this is not the time for acting in haste. You can, however, use this energy for gathering information, checking out your options and for asking some pertinent questions. As the weeks progress you may discover that you aren’t really ready to make any major or drastic changes in your life and will be happy that you acted wisely now.HINT: Time spent with an Aries will not be boring and if you listen carefully you will gather a great deal of information which will help you find some answers you have been seeking.CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22-JULY 22Always super aware of the emotions around you, you may find it rather difficult to rid yourself of someone else’s sadness or anger.Since you are not the source of the problem, you cannot provide the solution. You can, however, be ready with a shoulder to lean on, a welcoming smile and a promise that things will be better very soon. This is a good week for tying off loose ends and for beginning new projects.For a long time you have been stalled in neutral and this is the week for full gas ahead! HINT: Financially things are moving according to plan.LEO (FIRE) JULY 23-AUGUST 22Some days you have the feeling that for every two steps you take forward you are falling one step behind and the lack of momentum is distressing and has begun to wear you down. Rather than pushing forward at this time, take a breather.Just because you don’t have a pencil in your hand does not mean you aren’t writing. Let things progress naturally, at their own pace. In the meantime enjoy the little things you haven’t had time for.HINT: Time spent with your partner and/or mate is far more pleasant this week and the time is ripe for an open and honest discussion of future plans.VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22Once you put your foot down and say ‘no’ you will have to live with your decision and the consequences of your actions.Think twice as you are not the only person involved and someone’s feelings are going to be hurt. Financially things are not nearly as dire as you had feared. You know you will have the funds you need when you need them, so relax.HINT: When dealing with a person you come into contact with daily, decide just how open you wish to be. Once you have said it, you will never be able to take it back.LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 23This is the week for taking a step back and spending more time quietly at home, resting and catching up with yourself. For weeks you have been putting in far too many hours travelling, working and preparing. Rather than follow old habits, consider a new exercise program and try to avoid spicy and/or fried foods. As the weeks progress you will be happy with the way you feel if you are careful now. The beginning of the week is a perfect time for inviting a few close friends over for an ‘evening at home’. You provide the food and they will supply the interesting conversations.HINT: Be patient with a water sign.They are going through a sensitive stage .SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24-NOVEMBER 21Although you enjoy getting out and meeting with friends in your favorite coffee shop or restaurant, this is the week for cutting back on rich foods and excess spending. Instead, take the time to deal with some of the paperwork which has been piling up on your desk. There is still plenty of time to get everything done to your satisfaction but it will be so much easier if you pace yourself and enjoy the process.HINT: Money and finances are back on your mind as you begin planning a trip or two in the not so distant future.SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER 21 Moderation is your keyword this week as you begin to organize your schedule for the next few weeks. Important meetings cannot be avoided, but you need to make certain you have enough preparation time. Luck alone won’t be enough even though you are not short on luck by any means. When discussing your plans with your partner and/or mate try to include some of their ideas and needs as well as your own.HINT: An older member of your family would love to spend some time with you this week so pick up the phone and arrange a meeting.