Just 5% of people can: Can you spot the penguin among the pelicans?

This puzzle was shared on TikTok and many people struggled to figure it out. Can you find the penguin among the pelicans?

 Where is the penguin hiding? (photo credit: Tiktok/Maariv)
Where is the penguin hiding?
(photo credit: Tiktok/Maariv)

The following viral artwork challenged tens of thousands of Internet netizens on TikTok to closely examine the image in order to spot a more unusual animal. It was recently shared on social media and managed to attract a considerable amount of views.

in today's puzzle, you'll need to find a different sort of bird in the picture full of pelicans, and the fact that they all look like they're actually toucans may make this even more confusing. The image's creator said that there is a penguin hiding among the birds, but it won't be easy to spot it.

Will you succeed? The answer is at the bottom of this article.

So, did you manage to find the penguin? If not, don't worry about it. Go try again. If you still haven't figured it out, we'll show you the answer. Also, if it took you more than 30 seconds, you're part of the majority of viewers that failed to find it.

 Where is the penguin hiding? (credit: Tiktok/Maariv)
Where is the penguin hiding? (credit: Tiktok/Maariv)

Didn't find it? The penguin's face is darker compared to the surrounding pelicans. 

Here's the solution to the puzzle.

 On the left side of the picture. (credit: Tiktok/Maariv)
On the left side of the picture. (credit: Tiktok/Maariv)