Jerusalem Post Letters to the Editor: Cementing the Right

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Cementing the Right
For a long time, we in Israel have been pressured by many in the Western world to seek a solution to our conflict with the Arabs by dividing our minuscule county and handing them some of it, as was done with the Gaza Strip. Has it ever happened that the aggressor who lost the war he began has demanded that he receive that which he was unable to get by force of arms? Let us look at what these enlightened Western countries have done.
Toward the end of World War II, did Hitler sit with the Allied leaders and demand territory? Is that what happened at Yalta and Potsdam? How would Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin have reacted? In fact, the Germans lost control and influence, as their country was divided, albeit temporarily, into spheres of control by the Allied nations.
To go back farther, after World War I, Turkey, which had been allied with Germany, lost the large area it had controlled.
Messrs. Sykes and Picot sat together and divided the Middle East into countries and spheres of influence. The only people who didn’t receive what they had been promised were the Jews.
Now we read “Israel: Hamas stealing 95% of cement sent to Gaza” (May 26). This cement gives Hamas the ability to build tunnels through which to attack us, and guarantees the continued dissatisfaction of the population – and our deaths. And the leaders of the enlightened West are surprised that we are increasingly right-wing!
Doable solution
In his column “The Left is right” (Encountering Peace, May 26), Gershon Baskin fails to mention Islamic State, Iran, Iraq, Hezbollah, the disintegration of Syria and the possible disintegration in the near future of Jordan. He wants initiatives, and now. He wants the creation of a viable Palestinian state.
Everybody is to blame: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, opposition leader Isaac Herzog, Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid. But the Left is right. Period.

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Here is what Dan Goldenblatt, at the time Israeli co-CEO of Baskin’s organization, the Israel Palestine Creative Regional Initiatives (IPCRI), suggested as a solution during an interview on Al Jazeera in April 2014: “We no longer believe it can be done through a separation paradigm.
We believe the solution must include two sovereignties and yet complete freedom of movement throughout. Important Jewish sites are in [the] West Bank, and 100 percent of Palestinian refugees come from Israel proper.”
In other words, no borders, and 100 percent of Palestinian refugees are free to return to Israel, including activists from Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, al-Qaida and other jihadists. All six million (or is it 10 million by now)? Congratulations to IPCRI on its practical, doable solution.
Arts & Entertainment
Believe me, I like my body. It’s the only one I’ve got. But I have no intention to show it to the world. There is something called privacy.
Doris Uhlich can stage any show she wants (“Taking it all off,” Arts & Entertainment, May 26), but not if it’s part of the Israel Festival, which is financed by my tax money.
I think there are more urgent necessities in this country than nudity.
As Seth J. Frantzman was celebrating the apparently apolitical Palestine Literature Festival at the Nashashibi House in east Jerusalem (“Palestine Literature festival highlights local and international writers,” Arts & Entertainment, May 25), the Jerusalem Writers Festival was having its gala opening at Mishkenot Sha’ananim.
The gala centered on a conversation between Israeli writer David Grossman and Irish novelist Colum McCann. A great part of it was a very interesting conversation on their respective conceptions of creating characters in literature, and on the importance of multiplicity in narrative, telling and reading a story.
This last point was made the center of their political discussion, which, unfortunately, centered on a single key word and told only a single narrative. The key word was “occupation,” and the single narrative did not even hint at any Jewish connection, historically or religiously, to Judea and Samaria. There was also focus on the “Israel-Palestine” conflict without any mention of the slight hostility displayed toward the Jewish state by large sections of the Arab and Islamic worlds.
The political distortions were politely applauded by the largely English-speaking crowd, and the amusing banter and mutual flattery were highly enjoyed by almost all. Another wonderful instance of Israel doing the work of its enemies and applauding itself for doing so.
Stop the stupidity
With regard to “A State Comptroller’s Report cheat sheet” (May 25), I thought the silly season started only in August. Now it appears to be an all-year event.
I am getting a little nervous about all the minutiae being thrown into the so-called Bibi Tours Affair, and many others. It seems people will do anything to defame a person. With regard to our prime minister, I am nervous that he will be charged – and found guilty – of stealing state toilet paper for his personal use.
When will this stupidity stop?
BOB GOLD Jerusalem
Police professionalism
In your May 25 editorial “Police professionalism,” you discuss the incident in which Maysam Abu al-Kiaan was beaten by undercover police in Tel Aviv, as well as policing in general in the Arab community.
As the writer points out, such incidents appear to be climbing at an alarming rate. If police misconduct is occurring in the Arab community, it is also occurring in the Jewish community. Bad officers don’t usually differentiate when they are out of control.
Such behavior should never be condoned, regardless what community it effects. As Sir Robert Peale, creator of the first modern police department in London, said, without the public’s respect, cooperation between the police and community diminishes proportionally.
Your editorial states that some Arabs, as well as Jews, may be troublemakers or even terrorists, but we don’t know until a proper investigation is conducted. A police officer can’t usurp judicial authority by exhibiting street justice.
This attitude occurs when a department is understaffed, under-supervised, and undertrained.
In addition, some officers may be emotionally burned out. Those who are repeatedly involved in misconduct should be dealt with forthwith.
Superior officers should be held accountable for repeated misconduct by subordinates. The chain of command exists for a reason. Superiors who don’t keep their subordinates in line should be charged by the department with failure to supervise.
Before the complaint rises to the level of criminality, the police department should investigate thoroughly. Criminal complaints should be dealt with fairly and expeditiously. Officers who repeatedly break the rules should be dealt with firmly, speedily and, if need be, conclusively.
Reprimands, suspension, loss of pay, retraining and possibly even termination are necessary in order to achieve a professional police force that is responsible for the safety of all of Israel’s inhabitants and visitors.
The writer is a retired detective from New York City.
Landau gone
We are fans of Pinchas Landau and are unhappy that his column will no longer appear in The Jerusalem Post. It was one of the most serious items in your newspaper. We looked forward to it each week.
We strongly object to the fact that his work has been dropped.