By LETTERS TO THE EDITORLetters(photo credit: REUTERS)End of his ropeRegarding “Security guard seriously wounded in Ma’aleh Adumim terrorist attack” (February 28), the savage who perpetrated this foul deed must be punished severely.Although I would hang him from a gallows, I know that our government will not do that.Therefore, the barbarian should spend the rest of his miserable life in solitary confinement, with no human contact. Ever. He should rot in a cell without books, a radio, newspapers or even a window.The light should never be turned off, and his meals should be only enough to maintain life.Those who aided and succored this fiend must have their property, assets and whatever they possess destroyed in front of their eyes. They then must be deported – dump them into Syria, where they, too, can suffer.Those who inculcate the hatred that encourages the terrorism that snuffs out the lives of innocent people and maims others must be made to pay for their complicity. The homes and assets of the leaders of the Palestinian Authority must be destroyed, and all their assets seized as well, for they, like the Nazi leadership, must be held accountable for the savagery they endeavor to foment.In addition, no Arab should be permitted to enter our city again in any capacity. Pay decent wages and give the work to unemployed Jews, or bring in foreign workers from Asia and Europe.IRWIN BLANKMa’aleh Adumim
Cultural justice With regard to “Cultural justice” (Editorial, February 28), it is a well known fact that our cultural establishment is dominated by politically correct, left-wing ideologues. It is also a fact that the vast majority of Israelis have shifted to the right. Hence, suggesting that Culture Minister Miri Regev is exceeding her authority is far from the mark – one might say it hits the thumb squarely on the nail.If people want to put on a play or make a movie that denigrates the Zionist enterprise or glorifies terrorists, no one is going to stop them, but I do not see why I and the majority of the tax-paying public should subsidize them. That’s not a restriction of free speech, nor is it anti-democratic.It’s common sense, a quality that sadly appears to be lacking in certain circles.Admittedly, Regev’s approach is a bit crude, but the objective is sound. Best would be to replace the body that allocates funds with one that represents the Israeli public rather than the cultural community, or abolish support for the arts entirely.Meanwhile, Regev has my support and the support of the majority of the Israeli public.STEPHEN COHENMa’aleh Adumim Your editorial contains a major flaw in its logic.Culture Minister Miri Regev is not seeking to censure or prohibit any group from voicing its opinions. She just doesn’t agree that we should fund those that would destroy Israel as both a Jewish and a democratic country.Those not funded by the state are free to look elsewhere for funding.DAVID FEIGENBAUMNetanya Those who are committed to denigrating the state and thereby harming it can continue to do so, but not at the taxpayer’s expense. Let them put their money where their mouth is – if they don’t like it here, move somewhere else. The Natorei Karta, for example, might be very welcome in Iran and offered some corner of Tehran as a ghetto.Any savings that Culture Minister Miri Regev makes might be redirected to funding cultural events among newer, but more loyal, communities – such as the Ethiopians, who sorely need such support.URI THEMALKiryat TivonI read your editorial with disappointment.It disingenuously labels such efforts as smacking of McCarthyism and being patently anti-democratic. What absolute tripe! Every country and every foundation and funder has the right – in fact, the obligation – to determine criteria under which applicants can qualify to receive support.For the State of Israel to limit its aid to organizations that do not consider its founding to have been a nakba (disaster) is hardly censorship.Organizations are free to promote their anti-state agenda, just as the Natorei Karta does. However, unlike the Natorei Karta, which expects no state funding, these anti-Zionist entities cannot excoriate the state and demand funding from it at the same time.I would expect your editorial staff to be able to make a better distinction between true censorship and positive criteria for promoting the Zionist enterprise.Our funds are limited. We must use them judiciously.STEVE M. SOLOMONEfrat Conspiracy of leftiesAs a life-long left-hander, I was rather taken aback by reader Dov Edelman’s letter (“‘Lefty’ leaders,” February 28), revealing the Left’s conspiracy to take over the world. I was rather hoping that no one would notice in spite of the rather obvious run of left-handed US presidents in recent decades.In view of the less-than-encouraging Israeli aspect of this campaign (former prime minister Ehud Olmert and the incumbent, Benjamin Netanyahu), I am now beginning to have doubts – which have been strengthened by US President Barack Obama’s defeatist policies and now British Prime Minister David Cameron’s declaration in the House of Commons about east Jerusalem.We left-handers should seriously consider whether to concentrate on less dangerous fields of activity, such as tennis and fencing, where we have succeeded without risking potential international disasters.JOHN TRESMANHaifa Reason for worry Lately, there have been developments that should worry every Israeli.Statements by leading defense and environmental figures have caused international problems for Israel. When the head of the IDF made implied remarks about excessive use of force (“Eisenkot’s shameful implications,” February 22), the foreign press jumped on the story. And who gave Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah the idea to target the ammonia storage plant just outside Haifa (“Why did Nasrallah focus on Israel when Hezbollah is busy in Syria?” Analysis, February 18)? Have our leaders never heard the Hebrew expression Al tiftah peh l’satan (literally “Don’t open your mouth to the devil,” or more succinctly, “Don’t tempt fate”)? They are supposed to use their brains and think before blabbing. It worries me to wonder in which part of their anatomy their brains are situated.And have we gone mad by selling everything to foreign interests? Just when we are told that the sale of the insurance giant Phoenix to a Chinese group has fallen through, we hear of an “understanding” reached with a US firm (“Delek signs MOU to sell Phoenix to AmTrust,” Business & Finance, February 19).Is anyone concerned with the pension funds held by Phoenix? Where are the inspectors of insurance and banking in allowing these assets to be controlled by outsiders? No foreign interest should be allowed to be a major shareholder and wield control of any of our national assets.MENACHEM DAYAGITel Aviv CORRECTIONThe caption accompanying “Sweet singer for Israel” (February 29) misidentifies one of the people in the photo. Seen alongside singer Pat Boone and Maj.- Gen. (res.) Yossi Peled, chairman of the board of the Friends of Zion Museum, is museum director Michael Evans Jr., and not his father, Christian commentator and museum founder Mike Evans.CLARIFICATION Ramy Aziz’s “The purpose of Saudi Arabia’s Islamic military coalition” (Comment & Opinion, February 17) was inadvertently run again on February 25. The op-ed editor apologizes.