By LETTERS TO THE EDITORLetters(photo credit: REUTERS)Embassy moving dayThe Palestinian deaths and casualties (“55 dead in Gaza as US opens embassy in J’lem,” May 15) are a human tragedy. When loss of this magnitude results from a natural disaster, we only weep without thought of how to avert similar recurrence of loss.But that is not the case for the Palestinians who knowingly threw themselves into danger’s way, broaching borders and defying all definitive warnings of what would occur as a result of such actions. The IDF had repeatedly stated that attempts to cross the border would be met with lethal force; the IDF must prevent a massive infiltration with the potential to wreak unthinkable damage havoc on innocent Israeli civilians.The White House places responsibility for the Gaza deaths “squarely with Hamas.” It is reasonable to blame the terrorist organization for stoking violence. But if it is befitting to consider who has empowered that body. In the final analysis, Hamas’s goal is not mainly to kill and terrorize as many Jews as possible, but to destroy Israel through world opinion.The deaths obviously need to be reported, but by giving them top coverage, world media play into their hands. Blaming Israel for disproportionate force, as several EU countries did, is the ultimate prize that the terrorist organization seeks. If the media would steer away from the tempting habit of blaming Israel, Hamas’s goal would be averted. If there had been no cameras and no reporters, those deaths would not have occurred. The reporters, cameramen and those who castigate Israel are the enablers of an organization that cares little for the lives of its adherents. These would be surprised to think of themselves as unknowing culprits.If the world cares about the Palestinians, it must neither blame Israel for Hamas’s tactics nor promote a Palestinian narrative that seeks to perpetuate the refugee status to eternity.SHARON LINDENBAUMRehovotAnyone who says Trump didn’t get anything for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moving the American embassy there couldn’t be more wrong. Trump locked in sizable domestic support that will never leave him no matter how much hatred his opponents throw at him. Besides, what did all previous presidents get in return for doing it the other way?IAN KEOUGH
Toronto, CanadaEveryone knows that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital.The only issue is about the Palestinian capital. If Israel would recognize that Jerusalem is both states’ capital city – shared between them, as we say to squabbling children on a playground – there would be no issue and we would all be most of the way to security and peace.The problem is that Israel’s government doesn’t want to share anything. It is not the world’s non-recognition but the Israeli government’s non-recognition – of Palestine as a state with its future capital in east Jerusalem as part of a peace deal. That’s why everyone is still waiting to recognize formally the obvious fact that the world already knows perfectly well, that west Jerusalem is Israel’s capital.As soon as Israel makes its recognition about future sharing, virtually everyone will formally be able to “sign on the dotted line” and we will be proud of Israel for it having taken the biggest step for security, peace, and fundamental fairness – for itself and for everybody.JAMES ADLER Cambridge, MANow that President Trump has kept his promise and moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, all that’s left is for him to send Jonathan Pollard home.JUDY GOLDINKiryat OnoAn undone deal US President Donald Trump made a wise decision on withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal despite opposition from the Democratic Party, European allies and mainstream media (“America nixes Iran deal,” May 9) Since the 1979 Iranian Islamic Revolution, the Middle East has been increasingly unstable due to Iran’s meddling and supporting terrorist groups Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Yemeni Houthi Rebels, while backing Syrian President Bashar Assad. The rogue nation also has blood on it’s hands for terrorist attacks, such as on the USS Cole in 2000.Meanwhile, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani supports calls for the destruction of the United States and Israel. Following president Ronald Reagan’s example of peace through strength, Trump’s bold decision could lead to a lasting peace between Iran and her neighbors – and with the United States.ANTHONY P. LEVATINORochester, NYI have long felt that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action regarding the almost late but doubtfully lamented Iran nuclear deal has been misnamed. I think a more fitting title should be the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Appeasement since that’s exactly what it is.Why it was necessary to capitulate to a murderous third-world regime that contributes nothing but misery to its people and the world at large and has been proven over time to have no interest in being a constructive, peaceful member of the “international community” escapes my understanding.B WEINSTEINNetanyaFrom the start, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been waging a solitary, international, bold and unbending battle against the Iranian nuclear agreement in an attempt to prevent the world’s most dangerous terrorist-sponsoring nation from acquiring nuclear weapons.He has continued this battle incessantly, despite constant derision from within and without.Now that the president of the United States has officially put the US’s stamp of approval on his mission, Netanyahu should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his unswerving efforts toward peace in the Middle East and the whole world.YEHUDA OPPENHEIMJerusalemUS President Donald Trump’s speech explaining why the US is leaving the disastrous Iranian nuclear agreement that guarantees Iran the nuclear bomb within a relatively short period of time was brilliant.President Obama once dismissively referred to ISIS as the junior varsity. In American high school basketball the main school team is the varsity, and the team in waiting is the junior varsity.If it wasn’t clear to anyone until now, Trump is the varsity, whereas Obama is the j.v. Thank God for the varsity.DAVID HEIMOWITZ Kfar SabaAnother think coming In “Netanyahu has good reason to gloat” (May 14) Susan Hattis Rolef well illustrates the title of her column: “Think About It.”In our super ideological society, we seem to have lost the ability to think. Rather, the tendency is to frame people or issues in terms of Right or Left, and so to fail to understand and accept others as individuals with some stances with which we are in agreement and others with which we are not. The result is a society lacking in cohesion and mutual respect.Rolef’s reasoned and perceptive article is an excellent example of thinking, which we all would do well to follow.SUSAN BUCKWALDRamat Yishai