Unfortunately, recent actions of the Obama administration represent a sharp reversal of the historical precedent of unshakable support to the Jewish state.
By MICHELE BACHMANNUS and Israel flags 370(photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
Since its rebirth on May 15, 1948, Israel has stood as an immensely strong democratic ally, and unqualifiedly a best friend to the United States of America.Unfortunately, recent actions of the Obama administration represent a sharp reversal of the historical precedent of unshakable support to the Jewish state, and have left Israel vulnerable and more isolated in the region than ever before in its history.Look no further than the recently negotiated “diplomatic resolution” with Iran to see where the Obama administration’s priorities lie. The proposed framework does little if anything to stop Iran from continuing to enrich uranium, does little if anything to comprehensively halt construction of the Iran heavy water plutonium reactor, does little if anything to permanently change Iran’s belligerent posturing, and does not require the dismantling of Iran’s centrifuges.In short, this agreement does next to nothing to benefit Israel or the United States. In the words of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, “This is a very, very bad deal.”And for Iran, it is the deal of the century. Quite a gift for the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.What has been missing from the discussion is why the US is even negotiating with Iran in the first place. There should be no negotiation as long as Iran asserts they have the right to enrich uranium.The fact is, despite the less than consummate enforcement of sanctions by the Obama administration, the sanctions being enforced against the Iranian regime were working.So why would the US give any sanctions relief to a regime that is arguably the greatest sponsor of terrorism the world has ever known? Why, when the Iranian regime was being brought to its knees, would the US offer a reprieve unless the Iranians agree to completely curtail their nuclear program? And what does our negotiation acquiescence do for the interests of the US and Israel other than weaken us both, while at the same time strengthening and legitimizing the Iranian regime and its nuclear ambitions? The Obama administration’s foreign policy positions have left Israel and the state of the Middle East more dangerous and more nihilistic than ever before. There is no better example than the Obama administration’s Egyptian policy strategy of encouraging the rise and influence of the Muslim Brotherhood, a violent terrorist organization.When the Muslim Brotherhood was removed from power by the Egyptian people, the Obama administration responded by cutting off funding to the Egyptian military. The very same military that was aggressively fighting terrorists in the Sinai, shutting off the infiltration of arms into Gaza, and working to restore order after the oppressive rule of the Muslim Brotherhood.And does anyone think that US policy toward Syria has benefited either the US or Israel? Bashar Assad continues to rule with impunity in Syria while radical Islamists gain weapons, power and influence across the country. Or in Libya, which since our military action to remove Gaddafi, has dissolved into absolute chaos as highlighted by the horrific attacks on our diplomatic mission in Benghazi in 2012.
It’s bad enough that Israel is faced with Hezbollah missiles and violence in the north, a radicalized Syria in the east, tumult in Egypt in the west, a Hamas-controlled government in Gaza, and now the ever-growing prospect of a nuclear Iran.And now add to this US Secretary of State John Kerry’s insistence that Israel negotiate with the Palestinians, castigate Israel’s sovereign right to build on its own land, and insist that Israel all but geographically cut itself in two, which would compromise Israel’s ability to defend itself.While Secretary Kerry pressures Israel to give up its rightful land, our good friend Israel has a goal too: the maintenance of the Jewish State of Israel. And the right to live peacefully in their entire biblical Jewish homeland, and the right to have Jerusalem as their undivided capital.Secretary Kerry’s dangerous phase 1 plan would initiate disorder, destabilization, violence and eventually a civil war by inciting conditions for, in his words, a third Palestinian intifada. This intifada could differ however, as it would likely involve committed Arabs, the UN, the US and committed Jews unwilling to uproot their families and their lives from their biblical homeland.The reality is the Jewish citizens of Samaria and Judea are there to stay. They are not leaving and they won’t be pushed from their homes – nor should they ever be. And shame on anyone who attempts to draw a moral or territorial equilibrium between Judea and Samaria for the Jewish people, and Gaza for the Palestinian people. Let me clearly reiterate, Judea and Samaria is the biblical, historical and cultural heartland of the Jewish people, as it contains many of Judiasm’s holiest and most important sites.Israel has always been a beacon of hope and the best chance for peace in the Middle East. Secretary Kerry misses the positive humanity of Jews and Arabs living side by side, working together, and making a life together. This is a present reality, that can and should be encouraged to improve.While Israelis have reason to question the commitment of the Obama administration, they should never doubt the strong bipartisan contingent of support for Israel in the United States Congress, and the constituents we represent.And they should feel assured, without any equivocation, we will always be proudly standing together with them, in their corner, side by side.The writer has served for many years as a member of the US House of Representatives, and was a former United States presidential candidate.