"It's a dangerous lie that is a hybrid between Palestinian nationalism and the ultimate Islamic replacement theology."
By JONATHAN FELDSTEINJesus portrait 521(photo credit: Fresno Bee/MCT)
Just in time for Christmas, the world was treated last week to the latest offense from the Palestinians with the declaration by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas that Jesus was a Palestinian.Abbas’s offensive Christmas greeting called Jesus “a Palestinian messenger who would become a guiding light for millions around the world,” and suggested Israel was to blame for the exodus of Christians from the Holy Land. With a reference to Luke 23:34, Israel’s foreign ministry spokesman noted, “He should have read the Gospels before uttering such offensive nonsense, but we will forgive him because he doesn’t know what he’s doing,” adding that Abbas’s remarks are an “outrageous rewriting of Christian history.”I’m no theologian and, as an Orthodox Jew, certainly no expert in Christianity or the Gospels. However, I know a dangerous and offensive ambush on both Judaism and Christianity when I see it, and when those called Palestinians today erase and rewrite whole sections of scripture that are the foundation of Judaism and Christianity, it must be called what it is: a dangerous lie that is a hybrid between Palestinian nationalism and the ultimate Islamic replacement theology.There are many, many examples of this, but one of the best is when Palestinians say (often) that there was never a Temple on the Temple Mount, the focal point of biblical Jerusalem whose central architectural landmark was destroyed, rebuilt, destroyed again in the year 70 CE, and replaced by two mosques hundreds of years later as if to spread the dominance of Islam over Jerusalem, which is not even mentioned in the Koran, as an Islamic city.Of course, any Jew or Christian knows that the Temple was a reality, and the denial of its very existence also denies, literally, those of us who share so much in common the foundation of our respective faiths. This is one egregious example, but one doesn’t have to look to hard to find plenty more, the same way one doesn’t have to dig too deep in Jerusalem to find archeological remains, evidence of the reality we know from the Bible.Of course, denying the underpinnings of Judaism and Christianity are no problem in Palestinian society, but stating the inconvenient truth that Islam is the main threat to both, particularly to Christians living among Muslims and the primary cause for the Christian exodus, would be a PC no-no.For instance, Abbas also mentioned Palestinians “trapped under siege” in Gaza, “who are prevented from worshiping in Bethlehem,” conveniently overlooking that it’s his good friends from Hamas who control Gaza and who make life for Christians there a living hell.The same as among Christians in Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Iran and the list goes on.Why do I care? Why write this? It’s simple: Israel is the birthplace of both Judaism and Christianity. Jews and Christians have a common bond that’s based biblically, and has never been more important.True, thousands of years of history from Jesus’ time until the past century have displayed a less enlightened, less kind and certainly not a gentle approach by what’s loosely referred to as “the church” to Jewish neighbors and Judaism as a whole.
But the awakening in the past century of Christians who understand the biblical injunction to bless Israel, and who know that Israel’s rebirth is fulfillment of prophecy, needs to be met with open arms by Jews, and reciprocated. So when a Palestinian leader refers to Jesus as a Palestinian, it’s an affront to the foundation of Christianity, making one want to imagine Jesus dying not on a Roman cross, but with a suicide belt packed with explosives at a 2,000-yearold Jerusalem café, and must be challenged at every turn.The name “Palestine” in modern usage initiated with the League of Nations and the British. Native residents of what’s Israel today were referred to as “Palestinian,” but the term was used by the British to refer to Jews.My father, for instance, born in Haifa, was a “Palestinian.” Only decades after Israeli independence when Jews (and what’s grown into about 1.5 million Arabs) became Israeli, did the term “Palestinian” morph to refer to Arabs.There is ample historical documentation to prove that while there were indigenous Arabs in Israel as well, Arab migration to Israel exploded as the land flourished with Jews returning from exile and corresponding economic opportunities, drawing many whose origins are still unmistakable by their names as being from Egypt or Syria, and that are still evident today. But while Jews returned en masse, fulfilling prophecy, there was always an unbreakable and majority Jewish presence in the land.So while there is legitimate evidence to show that many of today’s “Palestinians” are in fact not indigenous to Israel, and that “Palestinian” nationalism was born more as a way to delegitimize and destroy Israel, I for one understand that there is a reality on the ground that must be dealt with today, and am all for coexistence and peace, if the latter is even possible.However, by claiming Jesus was a Palestinian, what Abbas has actually accomplished is to debunked the myth of a “Palestinian people” as the term is abused today; everyone knows Jesus was a Jew. The latest “Palestinian” lie underscores the reality that if Jesus were a “Palestinian” it is the indigenous Jews who have the rightful claim to Israel, going back to those lived in here in Jesus’ time, with its center in Jerusalem established by the Jewish King David 3,000 years ago, in the Land God promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob long before that, and documented in the Bible.But those who read and understand scripture, and don’t try to erase and rewrite it, knew that already. I think I’m starting to like today’s “Palestinian” lies and rhetoric.The author is the director of Heart to Heart, a virtual blood donation program to support Israel’s blood services.