An Interview with the Founders of Stacked: Creating the Informative Property Reviews in Singapore

 (photo credit: STACKED)
(photo credit: STACKED)

Before buying any product online, it feels natural to find reviews about it first to determine whether it's worth your money. Indeed, you'd do the same thing when buying a house. Imagine spending tens of thousands on a home, but it turns out to be a disaster. You may be looking at a possible bankruptcy.

Equipping yourself with useful information helps you prepare for the financial challenge that lies ahead. That's what Stacked does for you. It scours through the properties available in Singapore and writes comprehensive reviews and thorough market analysis to help homebuyers find the home of their dreams. It's an honor for us to have the four founders of Stacked, Stanley Goh, Sean Goh, Adam Wham, and Druce Teo, with us today.

Q: Thank you all for making time to meet us today. Can you tell us a little about Stacked?

A: Well, thanks for the invite! Stacked actually started as a buy and sell portal to cut out the property agent, allowing people to save on commissions. But after doing it for a while, we realised the problem wasn't about the savings, but that there wasn't an objective source out there that can really help and educate people on real estate in Singapore

Now, we are focused on being a hub for all things real estate, whether it is through our editorial, Instagram or even our recently started YouTube channel.

Stacked’s bread and butter is our property reviews, as our objective is to ensure that we can cover the good and bad of each property to help buyers make better decisions.

Q: Apart from reviewing homes in Singapore, what else does Stacked offer?

A: Generally, we aim to offer comprehensive real estate content, from buying to selling and even renting out properties. We mostly try to present the numbers in an easily digestible format, and of course, in a manner that is acceptable to the audience on the different social media platforms. 

We've also recently started to branch into home renovations as well, as that is the next part of the home buying process.

Q: How do you approach each review? What are some of the things that you keep in mind?

A: We approach each review by always putting ourselves into the shoes of the home buyer. What are the things they would want to know about the property? Are the facilities adequate for my needs? What’s the traffic like around the area? Will maintenance cost too much time and money? 

It's also important to always highlight the things to look out for, such as insufficient car park perhaps, or whether the facilities are kept in good shape. The idea is really to comprehensively cover all angles and provide good photos such that people can see if they like the living environment first before diving into the actual listings.

Q: What platforms do you use to reach out to your target audience? How can your fans connect with Stacked on social media?

A: For anyone interested in learning more about Singapore's real estate market, feel free to visit our Instagram and Facebook pages. You can also check out our website where we publish timely updates, market forecasts, and property reviews. We also now have a YouTube channel for those who love watching virtual tours of different properties in Singapore.

Thank you so much to all of you for spending time with us. We are sure that home buyers from Singapore will find your site informative and make better decisions before spending their hard-earned money by buying a new property.