“Now is the right time to show your fellow human beings that you care,” said Clinkscales. Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are currently suffering due to the pandemic, not because they are infected, but because of the lack of healthcare. Others are not even in possession of proper healthcare, and even more of the infected do not have the funds or equipment necessary to be prepared. Governments in developing or under-developed countries are also finding it challenging to provide proper healthcare for their citizens due to lack of equipment or facilities, which, in turn, is due to lack of funds. “If we each donate even the barest minimum, we can get through this. You don’t even have to donate money. You can donate PPE kits, too,” says Clinkscales.
“Everyone is scared because a lot of people are losing their jobs. But if you have savings, you can get through this crisis with a little quick thinking and heavy precaution. But some don’t even have savings to help them through these troubled times. So, if you can donate even five dollars a month, then do so. You can also distribute N-95 masks, sanitizers, hand washes, etc. every little bit helps.
Stephon Clinkscales is a health coach and entrepreneur who considers it his mission in life to help motivate men to become their best selves. Ever since he was a child, he had a deep sense of doing the right thing for the right reasons and wanted to pass on this attitude to people so that they could help themselves. His efforts have ensured his fame and fortune, and also helped change the lives of many men worldwide.