1. Plan It Out
According to Scott, in order to grow your company, you need to take a second look at your original business plan. Growing your customer base also means increasing your expenses. How quickly can you expand and still maintain a profit? Plan these things out to the last digit. Scott says that learning how to use Microsoft Excel will help you out a lot here.
2. Develop a Marketing Strategy
Your company won’t grow just because you want it to. You need to get the word out. Therefore, you should invest in a marketing strategy. These days, Scott says the best marketing happens online, especially for an E-commerce business. Setting up email campaigns and web ads is a great way to get started.
3. Embrace Automation
Maybe thus far, you have been managing every aspect of your business. That won’t work if you’re going to scale up. What can you automate? Can you set up your social media accounts to post every couple of hours? Can you automatically invoice your suppliers? Figure out what you can take off of your plate without increasing your costs too much.
4. Have a Stellar Online Presence
In a typical sales interaction, a store clerk needs to be friendly and easy to understand. That’s why Scott says that your website should be flawless and easy to use. If people get frustrated, they will leave and go to a different brand. Scott also recommends staying up to date on your social media pages. There are over 6 million companies that advertise on Facebook. Be one of them.
5. Develop Excellent Customer Service
Customer service is key when scaling up your business. If someone calls or messages with a question, Scott says you need to be there with an answer. The better your customer service, the quicker your business will grow.
Scaling up a business is hard work, but entrepreneur Ray Scott says it’s completely doable. According to Scott, if you focus on these five tips, your company will grow in record time.