Stanislav Fedorov shares most anticipated software trends in 2023

  (photo credit: Stanislav Fedorov)
(photo credit: Stanislav Fedorov)

Technological advancements could lead to widespread prosperity and innovative solutions to global problems. However, despite these benefits, the exponential growth rate could cause existing institutions to collapse, leaving the public vulnerable to unmanaged dangers. The interconnectedness of multiple factors amplifies this threat, including geopolitical conflicts, increasing polarization, and the impending climate crisis. 

Stanislav Fedorov, a software development expert and founder of SensusTech LLC, a mobile app and game development firm, shares his insights on the top software development trends that will be prevalent in 2023 that can help in finding the right balance between innovation and proper societal progression.

  1. Green-tech at a turning point

Fedorov: The price of solar and wind energy has dropped significantly in the past decade due to technological advancements, making them more cost-effective than fossil fuels. By 2050, it is estimated that transitioning to renewable energy sources could save economies around the world $12 trillion. In 2023, governments and major companies will focus on expanding current green technologies and developing new ones. The possibility of lessening catastrophic events and the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels are becoming more achievable. 

One promising technology to watch in 2023 is green hydrogen, which allows energy from renewable sources to be stored and transported long distances from areas with abundant wind or solar resources to areas with high energy demands. Another technology to keep an eye on is nuclear fusion, which has recently been proven to produce more energy than is needed to initiate the fusion process. These advancements will likely lead to more research and development, bringing us closer to a future where nuclear fusion can provide nearly limitless, secure, and clean energy. However, it's still some years away from producing this energy at scale.

  1. Cyber-resilience and hyperconnectivity

Fedorov: Globalization is slowing down, and the internet is becoming more divided among political groups. However, technology is still advancing, and there will be more connected devices in the future. 15 billion devices will be connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) in the coming year, and this number is expected to double by 2030. 

The expansion of 5G coverage in 2023 will definitely make devices communicate faster and improve their performance. As we rely more on these connected devices and infrastructures, the risks of accidents or attacks increase.

Governments and regulators will take steps to make sure these devices comply with cybersecurity standards. Examples include the EU's proposed Cyber-Resilience Act and the US's cybersecurity labeling and rating program for IoT devices.

  1. The mainstreaming of gene editing

Fedorov: The technology CRISPR-Cas9, for which its creators were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020, has primarily been used as a research tool to understand the role of individual genes and discover new treatments. However, in the past three years, it has also been successfully used to treat various diseases. While CRISPR's primary use is for illnesses caused by a single gene mutation, early research suggests it may also be useful for conditions such as Alzheimer's and chronic pain. With the support of a large industry and ethical considerations, gene editing is predicted to expand in the medical field and other areas in 2023.

  1. Artificial intelligence (everything everywhere all at once)

Fedorov: In 2022, OpenAI's interactive conversational model, Chat GPT, sparked a renewed debate about the pros and cons of artificial intelligence. Within five days of its release, Chat GPT attracted over a million users. The investment in AI is projected to exceed $500 billion in 2023, driving significant advancements in generative and adaptive AI.

Adaptive AI allows for the continuous retraining of models without developers needing to rebuild them, leading to faster and more accurate results. Generative AI utilizes neural network models to create new things. Consumers find text-to-image and text-to-video generators interesting, but they also raise concerns about the spread of false information, the potential for harmful content, copyright infringement, and algorithmic bias. Regulators and online watchdogs will closely scrutinize these issues in the coming year.

Final Thoughts

Overall, Fedorov's software development predictions for 2023 are exciting and motivating. Green tech, cyber-resilience, gene editing, and AI will likely be significant trends in the coming years. These trends will become increasingly important as technology advances, and developers must be prepared to work with them. He says that by staying up to date on the latest trends, software developers can ensure that their work is on the cutting edge of the industry and can contribute to the creation of future innovations.

This article was written in cooperation with Adrian John Ignacio.