Submit an Op-Ed
The Jerusalem Post accepts for review and potential publication, in print and online, submissions of opinion articles on any topic. Submissions focusing on subjects relating to Israel, the Middle East, Jewish Diaspora, or major international affairs issues, are more likely to be of interest to us. Our large online readership is international; please consider that when contributing on subjects related to themes such as the US elections, that many of the readers are not necessarily familiar with the subject. Submissions should be exclusive to us and should be less than 950 words. Rare exceptions are made for longer pieces of extraordinary insight. We do not usually consider anonymous or pseudonymous submissions.
We consider only completed articles and rarely have time to provide guidance on ideas or feedback. However, short pitches about oped ideas will be reviewed. Many factors affect whether an opinion article is suitable for publication in the newspaper or online, including limited space. Please take into account the time it takes to review an article when submitting. If you want an article published on a certain date, it is best to submit it at least a week before.
We respond to all submissions via email confirmation usually within three days. If you do not receive a response, your submission may have ended up in a ‘spam’ folder and you should try contacting us again. We do not respond to submission inquiries over the weekend (Friday-Saturday).
Submissions should be pasted into the body text of an email (DO NOT send PDFs and do not send us links to articles you published online). They should include a one sentence headline, a byline (author/s name) at the beginning of the submission, and a one sentence tagline (author bio) at the end of the submission. Submissions without these basic elements will be sent back. DO NOT send us numerous photos. If you are sending a submission relating to an event or a place that you have a photo which you own the copyright to, you may provide ONE illustrative photo for potential inclusion. It must be of decent quality (1mb).
We DO NOT accept revised versions without prior consultation with the editor. New versions of an article will not be considered. Send your final version, first.
The Jerusalem Post DOES NOT remunerate contributors, by submitting an oped you accept that the newspaper has the right to print it and if you have sent it elsewhere it is your obligation to inform the editor. Submissions sent to the oped desk may also be considered for publication in the weekend magazine, or in the Friday section of the newspaper. We also have a blogs section that may be reached via email at
We look forward to seeing your original work.
Oped Editor