July 15: Luxury menu...

Your article “Romney to host major fund-raiser in Jerusalem at month’s end" (July 12) states that attendees will be $60,000.

Luxury menu...
Sir, – Your article “Romney to host major fund-raiser in Jerusalem at month’s end (July 12) states that people attending this affair will be paying $60,000 or more per plate. That might be okay for those set to fly in from the US for the event, but how many Israeli Republicans will be paying this outrageous price? I hope not too many.
Israeli Republicans should use their money to help feed the poor of this country, to help young couples buy apartments, to help firefighters buy new equipment, to help hospitals, etc., etc.
There is no need for us to help finance political movements in the US. We have enough worthy causes right here that need our money. Let’s get our priorities straightened out.
...and wheels
Sir, – Regarding “Driving in style – at the taxpayer’s expense “ (July 12), it’s sheer chutzpah to offer to an unnecessary number of government ministers such luxury vehicles in a country where a large number of citizens live in poverty. In many cases, the vehicle will be superior to its occupant.
Only the oft-promised and never-kept reform for the electoral system might improve matters.
HENRY WEIL Jerusalem
More on Olmert Sir, – What a classic example of “we want our cake and to eat it, too” or “I’m not the bad guy here” (“Olmert wants right-wing US Jews probed for bringing him down,” July 12).
By saying they “are not looking for conspiracy theories,” Olmert’s “associates” speak volumes as to their real motive – which is looking for conspirators.
This testifies as to their character as well.
This is the same Olmert who tried to convince us that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is our friend. We should all thank God Olmert was removed from office, no matter what the reason.
FRED CROWN-TAMIR Goodyear, Arizona
Sir, – The calls for the resignation of State Attorney Moshe Lador are, for lack of a better word, ridiculous (“Attorney-general, police chief back Lador as calls for state attorney’s resignation continue,” July 12).
In his professional opinion, Lador viewed the facts, and correctly so, that pointed to Olmert’s guilt. He prosecuted Olmert, as he was duty-bound to do.
I hate to think of the fine and talented prosecutors who had lost high-profile criminal cases that I defended in my far-too-many years as a lawyer in Houston, Texas, being called to resign.
Perhaps if the three judges who found Olmert innocent on the two major charges were not so unreasonably gullible as to believe that the former prime minister did not know of his son’s deposit of NIS 100,000 into his account, a guilty verdict would have resulted.
LEONARD KAHN Zichron Yaakov
Sir, – Olmert aide Shula Zaken will be blamed completely for the cases of envelope-taking and double-billing, and therefore should certainly have been given a far harsher sentence than four months of community service.
The fact that ordinary people convicted of the same thing get much harsher jail terms should make us wonder about the parameters of the case all together.
The Holyland affair is still being tried. Ehud Olmert is one of those on trial. I can only say that a country that put a former president in prison for seven years should be capable of doing justice and evaluating the case of the Holyland bribery scandal.
H. WILLIG Jerusalem
It will never work
Sir, – The Church of England is sowing seeds of its own destruction (“Church of England decision to support anti-Israel group strains relations with British Jews,” July 12).
Islamic groups that want to wipe Israel and the Jews off the map also want to destroy the Christians. England should have learned a long time ago that appeasement didn’t work with Hitler, and it won’t work now.
Remember San Remo?
Sir, – Your editorial “Settling truths” (July 10) includes the following paragraph regarding Judea and Samaria: “The territory enjoys a unique status in international law as land that has never been unequivocally set aside for a specific people by the international community.”
I submit that the land was indeed unequivocally set aside for the Jews, by the League of Nations, the San Remo Conference and the terms of the British Mandate. None of this was superseded by UN General Assembly Resolution 181. General Assembly resolutions are recommendations and do not create international law.
Israel in space
Sir, – As a lecturer at the International Space University and a researcher at Tel Aviv University on space policy issues, I feel it important to point out a glaring omission in what is a mostly accurate and informative article (“Scientists, pupils present prospective lunar craft to Knesset space committee,” July 11).
The article does not mention that Israel itself has independent launch capability. In fact, we are one of only 10 countries in the world with this capability. Also, Israel has sent an astronaut into space: Ilan Ramon. Although we did not launch him ourselves, the reference to Israeli satellites that other agencies launched would make it fair to mention an astronaut launched by another agency.
These bits of information are perhaps two of the most impressive and outstanding achievements of Israeli space efforts.
The writer is a researcher at the Yuval Ne’eman Workshop for Science, Technology and Security Ideal situation
Sir, – Isi Leibler (“Netanyahu and the haredim,” Candidly Speaking, July 11) correctly notes the ancient Torah work ethic. Leibler and others like MK Haim Amsalem repeatedly point out the attitudes of the Torah and Talmud toward the benefits of religious study combined with an occupation. The imperative of defending the Land of Israel is also emphasized in all the Torah codes.
On the same page, Greer Fay Cashman (“Time to stop badmouthing haredim and to open a dialogue”) notes how the secularists have to acknowledge the Torah basis of the establishment of the State of Israel.
All this leads one to conclude that the social aspects of repealing the Tal Law cut two ways: Religious people have to learn what contributing to the state implies for a Torah mind, and secularists have to learn what the supreme values of Torah mean for the Jewish state.
When haredim are more integrated into society, including the army, they will surely influence the general population, and vice versa. This would be an ideal state of affairs for the future of our country.
It’s in the threat
Sir, – What a peculiar article by Albert B. Wolf (“Iran and the bomb: Nothing to fear but fear itself,” Comment & Features, July 11).
The use of the atom bomb was not relevant to the goings on at the Suez Canal in 1956 because nobody threatened to use it.
And a nuclear arms race “failed to break out” in the Middle East after Israel acquired the bomb because Israel never threatened anyone with it.
Iran has promised over and over to wipe Israel off the map.
It is now seeking the weapon with which to fulfill this threat.