6 Best Ergonomic Standing Desks for Your Home or Office

Find the most comfortable standing desk to suit any space.

ergonomic standing desks (photo credit: PR)
ergonomic standing desks
(photo credit: PR)
Sitting for long periods of time causes significant health issues, and those who sit all day while working at the office or from home are some of the most susceptible to these problems. Those who sit at desks all day should stand and move at least 10 minutes out of every hour, but that time can add up throughout a busy, hectic day. Many people simply forget to take the time to stretch their legs during the workday, or they choose to forgo that time to get more work completed. Now you don't have to choose between staying healthy and maximizing productivity, thanks to ergonomically engineered standing desks. Some of the best ergonomic standing desks are reviewed here to help with your purchase decision.

1. Ergo Elements Adjustable Height Standing Desk with Manual Hand Crank Black Base, 5' by 30": $529, Amazon


This piece of office equipment provides a sleek, durable surface on which to work, and it takes advantage of a manual hand crank that adjusts the height without requiring a power source. The desk is easy to assemble and is made from 100% recycled wood material. It has a maximum height of 45 inches to give even the tallest individual an ideal work surface, and the productivity associated with standing desks will boost the efficiency of any office.

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2. LIFT Standing Desk Conversion Kit: $149.99, Amazon


The LIFT is perfect for converting your current desk into a standing desk. It comes with two separate components for the monitor and keyboard, and the fully adjustable pieces can be used in both standing and sitting positions for a truly versatile workspace. The ergonomic design of the keyboard stand is such that your wrists naturally fall into a comfortable, healthy posture, and the monitor has six settings for the height between 13 and 20 inches.

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3. Ergo Elements Adjustable Height Standing Desk with Electric Push Button Grey Base, 5' by 30": $579, Amazon


This Ergo product provides the same durable, smooth aesthetic of others in the Ergo family, but it adds the convenience of automatic up and down positions by electric power. A remote control is included so you can adjust the height of this desk from a distance, and it can be adjusted as often as necessary to accommodate multiple users. Long hours are no longer a problem with this ergonomic standing desk.

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4. 48″ Electric Stand Up Desk (Charcoal Frame/Natural Walnut Top): $499, Amazon


This desk uses a fast electric motor to adjust its height from sitting to standing in just 20 seconds. To provide mobility it has casters that can be locked into place when the desk is positioned, and its high maximum load makes it perfect for any size computer system. A standing desk such as this one helps to decrease both the waistline and back pain by promoting good posture and calorie burning. Several color options are available to fit any office or home aesthetic.

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5. Ergo Elements Adjustable Height Standing Desk with Electric Push Button Black Base, 4' by 30": $558.60, Amazon


This Ergo product is whisper quiet and has easy push-button operation. The unit is easy to assemble, and it adjusts in a smooth, stable fashion that won't jostle the contents of the desktop. This unit comes in a beautiful Lava Stone color that matches nearly any surrounding space, and it's manufactured with environmentally friendly materials. The professional look and feel of this desk is sure to enhance the decor in any office.

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6. PWR+ FlexTop Portable Folding Table Desk: $41.90, Amazon


The PWR+ FlexTop is fully adjustable and can be used for a variety of applications. It can sit on an existing desk to convert it to a standing desk, and it can rest directly on the floor when fully extended to provide a seated surface. The auto-locking joints within the legs can rotate a full 360 degrees to provide countless configurations. The FlexTop comes pre-assembled and is made from sturdy aluminum.
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Installing a standing desk is one of the best ways to easily increase morale and productivity within a home or office workplace. The 48" Electric Stand Up Desk is one of the better products for the value, and its natural design options are much more pleasing to the eye than the flat colors available with other desks. However, if you only need an extender to convert your existing desk, the LIFT Kit by Uncaged Ergonomics is the ideal option for people with desktop computers. Those with laptops would do well with the PWR+ FlexTop, which is perfectly suited for mobile computers.

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