It is as though an invisible force has joined this year’s Tu Bishvat holiday to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, on January 27.
Producing meat has very negative environmental effects, and these greatly increase the chances for war in at a least two ways.
Far too often investors focus on the immediate present without any broader perspective. They lose sight of their long-term goals, because of short-term fear.
What we also discovered was a deep spirituality and a humility which touched us enormously.
Capturing the meaning of Tu Bishvat, the Jewish birthday for trees.
For Tu Bishvat, the Jewish 'New Year of Trees', KKL-JNF is asking its supporters to help Israel bloom again after the October 7 massacre.
KKL-JNF’s Planting Week, part of Tu Bishvat celebrations, was held this year in a special spirit of remembrance – against the background of fierce fighting on Israel’s borders.
For Tu Bishvat, the Jewish 'New Year of Trees', KKL-JNF is inviting people in Israel and all over the world to plant a sapling - either in person or via Zoom.
Serve fresh fruits and nuts for Tu Bishvat instead of sugared dried fruits that contain chemicals and artificial colors.
Are dried fruits really a healthier option compared to fresh fruits? Dr. Maya Roseman sheds light on the subject.