WATCH: Special forces operate in Abu Tor against Yehuda Glick shooter

Suspect killed in shootout in Abu Tor after prominent right-wing activist evacuated to capital's Shaare Zedek Medical Center for surgery.

Special forces operate in Abu Tor
Media sources in east Jerusalem released video footage on Thursday as Israeli special forces worked in Abu Tor to locate and eventually kill the suspect in the shooting of Yehuda Glick.

According to police, the suspect, 32-year-old Islamic Jihad member Moataz Hejazi, was released from an Israeli prison two years ago, was found at his home in Abu Tor after an intensive police manhunt.“Counter-terrorism operations surrounded the house of the suspect, and as soon as officers took their positions they were fired upon by him,” said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld. “Shots were immediately returned by police killing the suspect.”Rosenfeld said a subsequent raid of the suspect’s home revealed evidence that he was indeed responsible for Glick’s shooting.While details about the killed convicted terrorist remain limited, according to Israeli media reports, Hejazi worked in the Begin Heritage Center’s restaurant and recently completed his shift before attempting to assassinate the right-wing rabbi.A kitchen hand at the center’s upscale Terasa, a gourmet mehadrin dairy restaurant, Hejazi was once quoted as saying “I wish to be a thorn in the throat of the Zionist plan to Judaize Jerusalem,” upon being released from prison two years ago. It remains unclear why he attempted to murder Glick.Heightened security measures are expected in east Jerusalem following the shooting to contain possible rioting, Rosenfeld said.The weapon in Herjazi's home was taken by police for investigation on whether or not it is linked to the shooting of Glick.Rabbi Yehuda Glick, who holds dual US and Israeli citizenship and is the spokesman for the Joint Committee of Temple Organizations – was in serious condition after being shot in front of the capital’s Menachem Begin Heritage Center Wednesday night.According to police, the shooting took place at approximately 10:30 p.m. outside the memorial center, located near the Old City by a suspect riding a motor bike who fled the scene.