Dance Review

Idan Cohen hosts Sharon Vazana, Suzanne Dellal, August 28

Dance 311 (photo credit: Amir Weinberg)
Dance 311
(photo credit: Amir Weinberg)
Idan Cohen is without doubt one of the more talented dance makers among the younger independent choreographers.
He’s got the touch, the sensitive ear for music and body rhythms, and has a knack for getting the most out of his dancers by skillful coaching. So there were plenty of reasons to come and watch again two of his earlier pieces: The Year of the Fish and My Sweet Fur which won international competitions in 2007.
Dancer Sharon Vazana was invited by Cohen to premier her solo One for Tango. Strangely enough, the title has, subconsciously, close affinity to the title of the world- renowned Solo for two, by Mats Ek of Cullberg Ballet, where Vazana had danced for several years.
This summer, we have seen quite a few choreographers hosting their colleagues, thus extending a hand to a friend while making it easier to fill up an evening’s program. Unfortunately Vazana who is a very capable dancer, didn’t quite rise to the challenge.
Her ambitious solo, set to original music by Nadav Barnea, lacked a focal point, resolved intent or direction, and while she was trying to pursue too many leads in the dark, she followed none thoroughly or systematically.
Watching The Year of the Fish with the new cast: Reut Levi, Danielle Gal and Sharon Vazana, was a sheer joy. The work, filled with details and nuances – starting from the way they breath simultaneously, to the perfect phrasing and the way dancers use their energy – endows the dance that extra layering, that much sought after complexity.
Cohen never failed to surprise with his original movement’s vocabulary and his signature touch in this trio had led him later to devise the challenging rendition of Swan Lake last year.
His next full evening piece is being choreographed for Maria Kong troupe to be premiered in October, so there is much to look forward to.