Cherishing special relations with God, the Jews have to nurture special relations with the Christians

Yes, Christians did not treat the Jews nicely or fairly in the historic past. We the Jews remember the calamities of our Christian-led expulsion from many countries such as Spain, Portugal, England, and France. We remember our Christian-led pogroms in the Tsarist Russia. We have survived all those calamities with the hope that someday the Christians would understand and appreciate the role of Jews in helping them understand the God’s guidance on creating a true God’s world for all the humans on this earth.
It looks like now the hope has been realized – more and more Christians are coming to understanding of the true role of Jews and Judaism in creating the Christianity.
However, this understanding is mostly at the level of ritual canons. And we need more than the mutual ritual canons. We need the joint actions aimed at strengthening and defending the Judeo-Christian characteristics of the entire world we live in, first of course in the USA. Those joint actions are urgently needed to resist the forces, which are hostile to the Judeo-Christian vision of the just world for everybody. Those hostile forces are of two different virtues. One of them is of religious nature, and that is Islam; the other one is of secular nature, and that is the Big Government playing the role of a human god.
We hear often that Islam is a religion of peace. Unfortunately, although there are many peaceful Muslims, religion of Islam is not religion of peace, and it is easy to prove.
Judaism and Christianity are truly peaceful religions since they welcome the people of other faiths in the Jewish and Christian holy places – in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Tiberius, Nazareth, or anywhere around the world. Contrary to this welcoming and peaceful approach, Islam prohibits the people of other faiths, the “infidels”, to visit its holiest places in Mecca and Medina. If a religion is not willing to share its holy places with the “strangers”, this religion is not a religion of peace. The majority of Israelis understand it, and some Americans have begun to understand it as well – thanks to Donald Trump.
We near often that a Big Government that is playing the role of a human god is a required prescription for peaceful coexistence of all diverse social groups. Unfortunately, although a limited government is needed for maintaining the order in a society, a Big Government is splitting the society into hostile social groups. This split is essential for a Big Government to seize the power and preserve it for its own material benefits.
Here are examples of the split created by an American Big Government by manufacturing the socially preferred groups and providing them with legal and financial preferences over competitors:
blacks against whites,
police against citizens,
poor against rich,
secular against religious,
natives against europeans,
one group of immigrants against other groups,
traditional families against LGHT “families”,
children against parents,
boys against girls in school bathrooms,
The preferred groups are voting for the Big Government to preserve their preferential treatment and welfare-type benefits they are rewarded with while the non-preferred groups are being legally robbed to support the scheme (it is called the wealth redistribution).
The time has come to translate the Judeo-Christian mutual understanding into the joint actions aimed at strengthening the Judeo-Christian parameters of the world we live in, and at resisting the forces, which are hostile to the Judeo-Christian vision of the just world for everybody. That means eliminating all preferences to selected social groups and treating them as equals – the equal opportunities for everybody to reach an individual God-guided maximum of results.
The Jews have been the originators of many social movements that created the foundation of the contemporary Western Judeo-Christian world – they have to begin nurturing the new relationships with the Christians, which are aimed at restoring and strengthening the Judeo-Christian parameters of the USA and the entire world we live in. It would mitigate the anti-Semitism and bring the Torah/Bible closer to the people.