Are our responses 'SCRIPTED'?

It''s been pointed out to me recently...

that it''s POSSIBLE that my reactions to varying situations have a STARTLINGLY SIMILAR
that I have, unconsciously, programmed myself to assign this particular kind of REACTION
When in point of fact, NOT ALL behavior that goes AGAINST my grain...
is actually INTENTIONAL...
although SOME clearly IS...
In the end of the day, however, it appears that this BLANKET reaction of MINE...
has elicited the SAME, EXACT RESULT in virtually EVERY one of the scenarios...
(regardless of culpability of the perpetrator)
So what would happen...
were I to simply CUT this reaction, in its entirety, OUT OF MY LIFE?
Would the act of CUTTING then MIRROR that replicated reaction yet again?
We are peculiarly simple beings really...
Were this "scripted" thing brought to light...(and ratified)
would we then find that OUR GIGANTIC bag of emotions, emissions, etc..
was really just a Small and Puny knapsack...
with only 2 or 3 different behavioral equations to choose from?
Would it then become plain as the nose on our face...
 that we''ve been following this SCRIPT that somebody or something LONG AGO set in motion?
and that it MAY NOT be the desired course of ACTION after all?