EU Labeling Guidlines


EU Labeling Guidelines For All Goods And Services Coming Into Israel


The European Union is required to label all goods and services coming into Israel. The purpose of this labeling is to give each consumer an understanding of where each of these products and services are coming from. Each label must include the following practices over the years:


The number of people, Jewish and non-Jewish that died in each EU nations Nazi Death Camps

The names of Jews and non Jews that died in each EU nation that collaborated with the Nazis

The names of towns and cities that Jews were not allowed to live in each of the EU nations

The names of colleges and universities that Jews cannot attend in each of the EU nations

The trades and professions Jews cannot practice in each of the EU nations

Name the EU nations that had a Jew Tax

Name the EU nations that restricted Jews of property rights

Names of all EU nations that supplied goods and services to Nazi Death Camps

The names of EU nations that did not allow Jews to return to their homes at the end of World War ll

The names of EU nations that today refuse to return Nazi loot to their Jewish owners

The names of EU nations where pogroms occurred after World War ll

Names of EU nations that experienced anti Semitic murders and synagogue destroyed, this past year


Please note that this is a partial list, and more disclosures may be demanded upon goods and services when they enter port in Israel.