British rabbis call on PM not to evict Beduins

Sixty-five British Rabbis wrote to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in protest against the Bill on the Arrangement of Bedouin Settlement in the Negev, the London-based Jewish Chronicle reported.
The British Friends of Rabbis for Human Rights (BFRHR) called the Bill a "great injustice," and called for a halting of the bill and for “proper consultative process” with the Bedouin people to settle land claims, the JC reported.
"The Bill’s proposal to resettle the Bedouin in development towns disregards traditional family and kinship ties of the Bedouin and the communal and social fabric of their villages and has already been shown to result in disastrous levels of unemployment, destitution and disillusion.
“As it stands, the Bill is likely to do serious damage to the international reputation of the state of Israel. A just and proper process will enhance Israel’s international standing," the JC quoted the letter as saying.