more stuff for say what

Sanjer (verb: le'sanjer) Meaning: Someone who continuously gets stuck with tasks nobody wants to do Example: I'm totally mesunjar; my boss picked me, again, to do the overnight shift… Artist (pronounced ar-teest) Meaning: An imposter, charlatan Example: Don't believe all the nice words and all the promises. This guy is such an ar-teest. Poza Literal translation: Pose Meaning: Someone who puts on a facade that is expressed by his behavior, language or apparel; a person with a poza is usually very, and possibly, over trendy and fashionable. Example: Your glitz and glamour is not what I'm looking for. I don't date guys with a poza. Sivuv da'a'win (or samech daled) Translation: Strut your stuff, show off Meaning: To check out the scene of a certain physical space (bar, party, beach strip, mall etc.) while showing whoever is out there - especially the opposite sex - of your presence. Example: After Yossi and Tal arrive at the beach, Yossi pours tanning oil on himself, puts on his shades and says to Tal: "I am going for a samech daled" Pazam dofek Meaning: Pazam is short for perek zman (a time frame). Pazam dofek is like saying that the meter is running, when it comes to a soldier's time in the army. Example: Soldier A': Will your 30-day sick leave be included in your army service or will you have to add an extra month to your service to make up for it? Soldier B': I will not have to add a single day to my service! Pazam dofek! Distance (pronounced dees-tance) Meaning: The degree of remoteness that exists in a relationship between a subordinate and his superior (boss/employee, soldier/commander etc). The bigger the gap between the positions of the two, the more dees-tance there is. Like in most of Israel's slang phrases, this one too comes from the army. Example: A heavy dees-tance relationship: A soldier in basic training and his commanding officer - the soldier is not even allowed to call his superior by name, but only 'sir' or 'commander'. Light dees-tance: Certain boss-secretary relationships - despite the fact that relations are not as formal, there are still some barriers between the two, as no side would become too cordial with the other. O-to-to Meaning: In just a moment, very soon Example: O-to-to I will be with you, please wait in line like everybody else Smoch aly / Tarbut ha'smoch Literal translation: Trust me, the trust culture Meaning: An Israeli cultural trait, usually considered negative. Over-confidence that often results in goals that aren't realized due to a lack of coordination - when one relies on another instead of on himself (the trust culture), or arrogance that things will work out even if one does not ensure to the last detail that they indeed will. Example: Tenant: Are you sure this problem will eliminate this terrible odor? Plumber: Trust me, everything will be okay. Zabasho / Zabash'ha Meaning: Short for 'ze ba'aya shelo' or 'ze ba'aya shelha', which means in Hebrew 'It's his/your problem.' Example: Hitchhiker: I'm sorry I smoked in your car and ashed in the back seat. Please don't let me off here, it's the middle of nowhere. Driver: Zabash'ha Be'shushu / Shushuist Meaning: Doing something quietly or secretively, behind the scenes without notifying anyone; probably a play on words deriving from shush or shh…. A shushuist is someone who is secretive about what he does (usually, in the army, when someone has a high security clearance) Example: Why do you always have to do things be'shushu? Think you're some hotshot shushuist intelligence officer? Tsumi Meaning: Deriving from 'tsomet lev' (attention in Hebrew), someone who is a 'tsumi' always seeks attention while trying to make those around him aware of his presence. The term is usually used in a derogatory context. Example: Stop being such a tsumi; my 1-year-old is less whiny than you are Magnivation Meaning: Cool, with an American twist. The initial 'magniv' term - which stands for cool - is also used now with TION at the end, which is just another sign of the Americanization of Israeli culture. Example: So you're all coming to our one-week villa party. Magnivation Ma ani, ez? Translation: What am I, a goat? Meaning: Protesting unequal treatment Example: After noticing all the kids got cake but him, Yossi turned to Danny mother and said: "Ma ani, ez?" Branza Meaning: A type of elite made up of people who are usually well-known/in-the-scene type journalists, artists or members of the entertainment business. Probably derived from Bohemia or the Yiddish word Branzesh which means a branch of commerce. Example: Tomer: Did you see how that guy just got in the club without waiting in line? Why doesn't stuff like that happen to me? Dani: 'Cause you're not part of the branza Na'alei Kipi Literal translation: Kipi shoes Meaning: Slippers worn by Kipi on Rehov Sumsum (Israel's version of Sesame Street's Big Bird, though Kipi is a hedgehog). Some Israelis even go out to the grocery store wearing them. Kova tembel Literal translation: Idiot hat Meaning: A dome-shaped cap and hallmark of Israeli attire, especially during the 1970s. You may still come across some today if you happen to visit a kibbutz. Why the name? Probably because someone who wears it looks kind of silly. Ch…nevetz Meaning: A pathetic person; probably derives from the Yiddish word of Nebech Example: A: I don't feel very good. I think I will pass on our little excursion and stay home B: You're such a ch…nevetz