BlogCentral: A Full Plate

Working mom, housekeeper, and dogwalker finds the time to blog her way out of it all.

full plate 88 (photo credit: )
full plate 88
(photo credit: )
Rice I don't know about you, but I grew up eating potatoes as the main accompaniment to our meat dish. Pasta wasn't really common back then in the old country and rice was something that we ate in an Indian or Chinese restaurant. If rice was the accompaniment, then it was usually sticky and stodgy which was not very appetizing, or it was the boil in the bag type, that wasn't too hard to mess up but a bit too "instant" for my liking. Anyway, when I first met my Sephardi husband to be, I quickly learned that rarely is there a meal that is not accompanied by rice. It is their staple carb and every woman is an expert in her own right at how to prepare it. Read the rest of this blog »
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