Hamas releases new Schalit footage to mark capture anniversary

Short clip shows Schalit on day of release from captivity; the clip is meant to commemorate seven years since his capture.

Schalit led by Kassam brigades man 370 (photo credit: YouTube Screenshot)
Schalit led by Kassam brigades man 370
(photo credit: YouTube Screenshot)
Hamas released new video footage on Wednesday depicting the final hours before Gilad Schalit's release from captivity, to commemorate seven years to his capture.
The video, that is a total of 38 seconds long, shows Schalit buttoning the infamous shirt he was released in, tying his shoelaces and being escorted by armed and masked Hamas Kassam brigades men.
The video also features the images and year of capture of other Israeli soldiers, such as Yaron Hen, Nachshon Vaksman and Shahar Simani.
The video ends with a darkened image of a hunched down soldier and the text "we started our goal [mission]... and we'll reach the end" in Hebrew and Arabic.