Israeli, Moroccan host Kushner for peace breakfast

The breakfast was hosted by VP of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security Col.(res.) Dr. Eran Lerman and JISS global board member Ahmed Charai, a Moroccan businessman and writer.

Jared Kushner (l.) in conversation with Col. Lerman (r.). (photo credit: PETER HALMAGYI)
Jared Kushner (l.) in conversation with Col. Lerman (r.).
(photo credit: PETER HALMAGYI)
Jared Kushner, Senior Advisor to US President Donald Trump, briefed a breakfast hosted by an Israeli army officer and a Moroccan businessman and spoke about the much-anticipated peace plan the Trump administration has been working on for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The breakfast was hosted by Vice President of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security (JISS) Col. (res.) Dr. Eran Lerman and JISS global board member Ahmed Charai, a Moroccan businessman and writer.
According to Lerman, the main message delivered at the briefing was that the Trump peace initiative would reflect the new partnering of Israel and key Arab states in facing common enemies. “The fact that this briefing by Mr. Kushner and myself was coordinated by Mr. Charai, a Muslim businessman and author, is emblematic of the new regional reality,” he said.
Lerman said that the peace plan shows the need to break what he called the “everybody knows paradigm” namely, the assumption that an Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 lines is essential in reaching a permanent peace agreement.
“This demand has in fact been a barrier to real peace,” Lerman said. “It is ‘accepted wisdom’ that is no longer wise or realistic; and the Trump plan is expected to offer new paradigms that more accurately reflect the priorities of Israel and its many Arab partners in the region.”