A Dahaf Institute poll shows Livni would win another term as Kadima leader, while poll on Kadima voters' site put Mofaz in the lead.
Two polls published on Friday painted very different pictures of the Kadima leadership race.A Dahaf Institute poll ordered by Yediot Aharonot boosted Kadima party leader Tzipi Livni, showing that if she wins another term as Kadima’s leader on Tuesday night, the party will get 15 seats in the next Knesset, making it the second-largest party.If MK Shaul Mofaz wins, Kadima will get 12 seats, putting it behind television personality turned politician Yair Lapid’s as-yet-unnamed party, with 14 MKs, Israel Beiteinu, also with 14 Knesset seats, and Labor, with 13 seats.Meanwhile, a poll by Kadima voters’ website Yalla Kadima puts Mofaz in the lead for Tuesday’s primary with 51.88 percent of the vote.However, when asked to choose who should be on Kadima’s candidates list for the next Knesset, 63.17% of party members polled chose Livni, while 60.5% voted for Mofaz.