Sara Netanyahu asks Sarkozy's wife to help free Schalit

Prime minister's wife makes a "mother to mother" appeal, citing Gilad Schalit's dual French citizenship, asking help in efforts to free him.

Gilad Schalit in video 311 (R) (photo credit: Reuters)
Gilad Schalit in video 311 (R)
(photo credit: Reuters)
PARIS – Sara Netanyahu made a personal appeal to the wife of French President Nicholas Sarkozy, asking if she could help find a way to free kidnapped soldier Gilad Schalit.
On Thursday she passed a letter to Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, while on a state visit to France with her husband, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
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“I write to you not only as the wife of a prime minister to the wife of a president, but also as a mother to a mother. I hope that you can find some way to help Israel in its efforts to free our kidnapped soldier Gilad Schalit,” Sara Netanyahu said.
“As you know, Gilad Schalit, who is both an Israeli and French citizen, has been held hostage for the last five years by Hamas, which has even denied the Red Cross access to him. Gilad has suffered terribly, as has his loving family.”
She added, “I know that both our husbands are working tirelessly for his release and I hope that you can assist in this noble effort."
“On the behalf of the people of Israel, I thank you in advance for all your help,” Sara Netanyahu wrote.
Schalit has been held in Gaza by Hamas since he was abducted in June 2006.