It is possible not to gain weight during Hanukka?

Dough for donuts can be baked rather than fried to save half of the calories, chief clinical dietitian Nurit Cohen says.

sufganiyot, Hannukah donuts_311 (photo credit: Thinkstock/Imagebank)
sufganiyot, Hannukah donuts_311
(photo credit: Thinkstock/Imagebank)
With Hanukka, the Festival of Lights, just around the corner, anyone planning to make fried doughnuts or potato pancakes but reluctant to gain weight over the eight-day holiday will appreciate advice from Assaf Harofeh Medical Center.
Chief clinical dietitian Nurit Cohen says that dough for the doughnuts can be baked in a muffin tin rather than fried to save half of the calories. If you do decide to fry the dough, cut down on the amount of sugar, not only to reduce calories but also because sugar causes the doughnuts to absorb more oil.
While it seems odd, it is true that deep frying reduces the amount of oil absorbed in the dough than frying in a shallow pan. Frying doughnuts at too low temperatures (under 170 degress Celsius) also reduces the absorption of oil; however, if it is too hot, the quality of the oil is reduced.
Canola oil is recommended over other oils for frying because it is monounsaturated and does not add to the clogging of blood vessels. It is recommended to change the oil from time to time when frying if a large number are made. Do not reuse the oil.
One gram of fat contains nine calories compared to a gram of carbohydrates or protein, which contains four. One can substitute other tasty foods for doughnuts and risk less or no weight gain. Always indulge in exercise during the festival.
One can decide in advance to eat only one or two doughnuts during the holiday, which begins on the night of December 20, and keep your vow.