Americans wary of entering Lebanon

Two-thirds favor peacekeeping force, one-third prepared to send soldiers.

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bush olmert 298 88ap
(photo credit: AP [file])
Over 60 percent of Americans believe that the violent conflict between Israel and Hizbullah will lead to a bigger war in the Middle East, a CBS News poll revealed. While nearly two-thirds (60%) of those polled said that they favored a United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon, slightly less than one-third (32%) of those polled supported the idea of US troops participating in such a force.
Fifty-eight percent of those polled said that the US was not responsible for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and 60% said that they did not believe that Israel and the Arab nations would ever coexist peacefully. Half of those polled blamed Israel and Hizbullah equally for the current fighting, and half responded that Israel's military response was appropriate. When polled on US President George W. Bush's handling of the clashes between Israel and Hizbullah, 47% expressed approval of the president's approach, while 27% disapproved. A quarter of those polled replied that it was too soon to tell.