Bibi jitters – Coffee chain says Netanyahu still hits Israeli taste buds

Popular coffee chain Cofix predicts Netanyahu to win April elections as 55% of their patrons opted for a take out with his mug.

Popular budget coffee chain Cofix is holding their own poll of who will be the next prime minister using coffee cups, 2019. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Popular budget coffee chain Cofix is holding their own poll of who will be the next prime minister using coffee cups, 2019.
(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might be roasted occasionally by the media and other politicians but, according to the coffee chain Cofix, his blend is unrivaled in the Israeli market – as 55% of their patrons asked to get their coffee to go in a cup bearing his name.
Patrons were invited to make a choice between cups bearing the names of other politicians running in the upcoming elections and, at least among Cofix patrons, Netanyahu left all other foam-heads behind with Blue and White leaders Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz getting only 22% of the requests.
Earlier this week, the chain reported they were out of Netanyahu cups and workers were asked to write his name on paper cups by hand to ensure a fair competition.