International Dance Week in Jerusalem December 2-8

(photo credit: MARCUS GONZALES)
Machol Shalem’s dance week recently celebrated it’s fourth edition and has solidified its own artistic approach vis-a vis the more established and larger International Exposure at Suzanne Dellal. What the Jerusalemites lack in seriously decent infrastructure and funds, they compensate in camaraderie between the international guests and local performers Since they cannot provide the required exposure to established companies, Machol Shalem goes for the fringe and singular initiatives such as the international dance competition, which was won this year by the concise version of Gravitas by Ofir Yudilevitch.
Careful curatorial work offered highly original and touching creations such as Black Box: Little Black Book of Red by Shamel Pitts, an off mainstream solo which revealed layers of torment and sensitivities, and the duo delight by Gil Kerrer – Between Us – followed by the morbid and demanding physical theater piece TakeDown by Dror Liberman and Kazuyo Shiyonori.
The next day offered exposure of newer creations including The Powers of B by David Marques and Ido Feder, danced by a group of four; Feder, Marques and guests Tamar Shelef and Francisco Camacho. The well-seasoned performers executed the perplexing work well; they were precise and involved in the investigative process of challenging power positions, using intriguing suggestive props, and captivating space perceptions.
The second part offered a rare visit by Zvika Hizikias, a fabulous Ethiopian dancer, that is remembered from Batsheva Ensemble and Beta. Hewent under the radar for too long, but now he is back, more powerful and fit, in a short segment of a piece in progress, choreographed by Ofra Idel.
Delightful additions to the program were short works by charismatic performer Ido Tadmor and Spanish dancer Daniell Abreo. Abreo, an important, original voice of contemporary Spanish new dance, delighted all with his skills and unique touches of small gestures in an intricate way, flavored with humorist nuances.
Many of the creations were nurtured at Machol Shalem’s unique residency program, with impressive results. Bravo.