Moving thought

Renown dance authority André Lepecki speaks his mind in Israel

A PERFORMANCE of Iris Erez’s ‘Locally.’ (photo credit: NINO HERMAN)
A PERFORMANCE of Iris Erez’s ‘Locally.’
(photo credit: NINO HERMAN)
Performances take place every day, in every city and country around the world. Curtains open and close on countless shows in myriad styles, genres and languages. Audiences shuffle into their seats, observe, applaud, exit and hopefully discuss. But there is another level of interactions surrounding performances and is championed by such scholars as Professor Andre Lepecki.
A stand-alone writer, curator and theoretician, Lepecki instigates, directs and influences the discourse surrounding performance around the world today. His countless works in various fields have given an echo to performative works, grounding these fleeting, ephemeral events in thought, writing, reflection and analysis.
Lepecki, 53, was born in Brazil. He completed his undergraduate studies in cultural anthropology in Lisbon, Portugal. He then relocated to New York City, where he pursued a Master’s and then a PhD at New York University (NYU). He has worked as a dramaturge, most notably for Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods Dance Company. Lepecki has curated multiple artistic events such as the re-doing of 18 Happenings in 6 Parts by the American artist Allan Kaprow.
He has contributed to multiple publications in the art and performance sectors both as a writer and editor. In 2006, Lepecki published his first book titled Exhausting Dance: Performance and the Politics of Movement. He currently serves as a professor and the Chair of the Department of Performance Studies at Tisch School of the Arts at NYU.
Lepecki is considered an authority in the international dance world on fields such as dance and politics, continental philosophy and dance, critical theory and curation.
Lepecki is currently in Israel for the first time as a guest of Bat Yam’s Kelim Choreography Center. During his stay, Lepecki led several activities including two closed workshops for dance makers and local curators, as well as lecture open to the public.
On Saturday evening, Lepecki will participate in a panel discussion entitled “Local Reading with Dr. Daphna Ben-Shaul and Ran Brown,” led by local choreographer and founder of the Public Movement Dana Yahalomi. The event will focus on Israeli works dealing with politics.
The conversation will touch on choreographers and creations that have contributed to the specific dance aesthetic relating to Israeli politics and social reality. It will be followed by a performance of Iris Erez’s Local/Not Easy.
The panel discussion will be free of charge but reservations are recommended as demand is high.
Andre Lepecki will participate in the discussion “Local Reading” on Saturday, February 23 at 7:30 p.m. at Kelim Choreography Center in Bat Yam. For more information, visit